10 facts about stretching, you need to know
Health / / December 19, 2019
On the first training session of any instructor will explain to you the main thing - stretch the muscles to warm them and avoid injury. Sensible advice. But it requires additions and clarifications. You need to know when and what kind of stretching is best done. The paper collected 10 scientifically proven facts, knowing that you will reach the right and feel the benefits of this approach: flexible ligaments, healthy joints and lack of injuries.
Static before stretching strength training impairs indicators
In a study published in the journal The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, says that because of the static stretching before the strength training participants working weight at squats decreased by 8.36%, and the stability of the lower body - in 22,68%. Based on the data 104 surveys conducted from 1996 to 2010, the researchers concluded that static stretching decreases muscle strength by 5.5%.
Before training do dynamic stretching
To warm up before a workout, do the dynamic stretching
That does not reduce your performance. With dynamic stretching you do not stay long in one position. Suitable lunges, squats, push-ups and jumping burpee.PNS method for developing the body flexibility and mobility of joints
NTC stands for "proprioceptive neuromuscular stimulation." When working with this method there is tension and muscle contraction, and it is effective if you want to achieve greater joint mobility.
Stretching does not prevent muscle soreness
It is necessary to carry out stretching before and after exercise to make muscles elastic. But they are less sick will not. If the pain is unbearable, apply ice or drink a tablet of ibuprofen.
Stretching will increase your flexibility
With this we will not argue. Undoubtedly, Stretching will make you more flexible and agile. American council on Exercise calls the development of flexibility, "an important element of an overall fitness program."
Stretching reduces the risk of injury
Stretching, performed in front of the main occupation, increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.
Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles
Stretching accelerates and enhances blood flow to the muscles of her. This means that they are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Training, because of this, will be comfortable and safe.
Stretching should be done during the working day
If eight hours a day do you spend in the chair, even comfortable, you literally kill yourself. Performed several times during the day short stretch help relax tense muscles, and you do not podvernote foot, leaving the bus, and do not pull back, playing with children at home.
Do not make any sudden movements while stretching
The most traumatic stretching - ballistic when you make a springy movement with large amplitude: inclinations active or kick their feet. It is used by experienced athletes in exceptional cases, when the sport is associated with such movements, and it is necessary to set up a body for this purpose.
Observe the balance: Expands the same in both directions
Do the same stretch on both sides of the body. Focus your attention on the muscles that are involved in follow-up sessions. If you play basketball - jump, poprisedayte, take a few burpee, press to enable the legs, arms, shoulders workout. Before jogging do some lunges, sit-ups, pull-ups.
Be careful, have fun stretching and remember that you can do the splitsEven if you are far beyond 20. The main thing - the right training!