Individual sessions. Art. For elementary school students - the course is free from Foxford, training, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Foxford is an online school for students in grades 1–11, teachers and parents. In online courses and individual lessons with a tutor, schoolchildren prepare for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and study school subjects. Classes are taught by teachers from Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics and other leading universities in the country.
Advanced training and professional retraining courses are held for teachers, and open classes on the upbringing and development of children are held for parents. The project is a resident of Skolkovo.
Why us?
Our teachers are experts in the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam, compilers of olympiads and teachers from the best universities in the country.
Our graduates enter the budget of Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman.
You can study from any device: computer, tablet, smartphone.
A variety of training options: courses for schoolchildren and teachers, individual tutors, mini-group classes, home school and external studies.
Understand complex topics
Not just learn, but also understand and consolidate difficult material in order to keep up with the class
Fall in love with learning
Let us show that learning is fun. We will add exercises to the lessons on topics that are interesting to the child.
Develop skills
Creativity, communication skills and logical thinking are skills that will help in your studies in the future
Prepare for tests
Understand incomprehensible material and repeat the necessary topics so as not to get confused on the test
Unusual tasks for mastering school material, tasks of an increased level of complexity are considered. Additional information is learned about mathematical facts that are not always covered in a basic mathematics course. The children get acquainted with logic, combinatorics, spatial relationships, and learn to pay attention to details. Homework helps to consolidate acquired knowledge and practice new methods of solving problems. Unusual problems will teach students to reason, be attentive, and use different approaches to solving problems.
Let's study multi-digit numbers, numbering, digits and arithmetic operations with them, continue to study the quantities of time, area, mass and the relationship between them. Let's learn to solve problems involving speed, time and distance. We will review all types of problems, solving equations, the basic properties of addition and multiplication, and solve geometric problems.
The basis of the course is the developmental training system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov. Developmental learning is understood as an active-activity way of learning. Developmental education is based on the formation of thinking mechanisms, and not on the exploitation of memory. Students must master those mental operations with the help of which knowledge is acquired and manipulated. The development of the thinking of a primary school student triggers the development of the most important personal qualities in the child, such as motivation, initiative, responsibility and independence. The educational process is structured in such a way that during its course the child “experiences” the entire cognitive cycle completely, mastering it in the unity of empirical and theoretical knowledge. Thus, in the classroom, the student turns from an object of pedagogical influence into a subject of cognitive activity. The technology of developmental education is based on the cognitive interest of the child, therefore such training gives the best results at the initial stage of development of each student.