Recipes: 5 vitamin fresh juices, which can be prepared at any time of the year
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Delicious fresh juices can be prepared not only fruit, but also of the more affordable products: beets, apples, cabbage, ginger, carrots. It's time to take care of yourself and add to the diet of a little bright colors and freshness. It will be delicious!
1. Fresh beetroot and carrot with ginger, orange and lemon
- 1 medium beet;
- 3 medium carrots;
- 1 medium orange (preferably Sicilian);
- ½ lemon;
- 10 g of fresh ginger (a piece 2.5 cm);
- a pinch of cayenne pepper;
- pinch of freshly ground black pepper.
Clean the vegetables and ginger root, cut into small pieces and send in a juicer. Lemon and orange pre-peel and seeds and with beets and carrots put in juicer. At the final stage of cooking, add the cayenne and freshly ground black pepper.
2. Carrot and orange juice with ginger
- 3 large carrots;
- 3 oranges;
- 2 celery;
- a small piece of fresh ginger root.
Wash the carrots and celery stalks, peel the ginger root and orange. Send all the ingredients in a juicer and enjoy a drink ready!
3. Fresh beetroot and carrot with ginger, fennel and lemon
- ¼ celery root is medium in size;
- ½ fennel;
- 2.5 cm of fresh ginger;
- ½ lemon;
- 1 medium carrot;
- 1 medium beet.
Clean all the ingredients from the skin and send in a juicer.
4. Beetroot and apple fresh with ginger
- 2-3 medium sized beets;
- 5 carrots;
- ¼ lemon;
- 2 apples;
- 2 cm of fresh ginger root.
Wash and clean ingredients. Lemon, remove the bones and try to remove as much as possible white film. Then send all ingredients in a juicer.
5. Grapefruit fresh beetroot and carrot, orange and ginger
- ½ fresh grapefruit;
- 1 orange;
- 2 carrots;
- ¼ beets;
- 1 cm of fresh ginger roots.
Peel the ginger and citrus peel and white film, carrots and beets good wash. Send everything in a juicer.