TOP Investment training courses
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
Investment management
Professional retraining and mini-MBA. The program volume is 1,023 hours. The program develops deep fundamental knowledge in the field of economics, finance and investment, based on modern theory and practice. It also allows you to develop the management investment and financial potential of a modern manager through systematization of knowledge and acquisition of skills necessary for making management decisions in practical activities.
Part-time study
Trading Academy
They say that technical analysis does not work, and trading is the lot of a few lucky ones among the many market participants. During the course we show that this is not so!
Cryptocurrency training
In simple words about what Bitcoin, Ethereum, blockchain, mining are. Ways to make money on cryptocurrencies, investing
Fundamentals of investing in financial markets
Investing is one of the ways to effectively manage money. But it is often unclear where to start. Choosing a financial instrument and broker, managing risks and making the most of market opportunities - these aspects cause difficulties for novice traders.
Investment platforms in the digital economy
Training. The program volume is 72 hours. Full-time program covering practical issues on digital platforms and ecosystems, principles use of digital rights and digital assets, principles of the organization’s activities to attract investments; features of business models of investment platforms and requirements for them in various jurisdictions, the procedure and conditions for investing using the investment platform.
Full-time education
Securities market and company value
Training. Finance and financial markets. Module of the program "Financial Director". Access to educational materials 24/7, communication with the teacher: forum, questions and answers, analysis of practical tasks.
Investment Banking
Professional retraining and mini-MBA. The program volume is 1,284 hours. The program is aimed at training international-level financial analysts, with the possibility of subsequently confirming their qualifications at the CFA Institute (USA). The program involves certified practicing teachers, specialists in the field of finance, investment and risk management (holders of CFA, FRM certificates).
Part-time study
Analysis and evaluation of investment projects
Training. Financial management. Module of the program "Financial Manager". Access to educational materials 24/7, communication with the teacher: forum, questions and answers, analysis of practical tasks.
Project finance: best practices and current practices
Advanced training (18 hours). Financial management. Finance and financial markets. The DPO program will prepare you to develop a project model for a business in accordance with current practices in project financing and management decision-making. You will learn to develop a business plan and analyze the indicators of an investment project, including for the banking sector.
Legal aspects of attracting investment in Internet projects
A growing business often requires investment, but from a legal point of view, the transaction process involves many nuances. Ignorance of them entails considerable risks: incorrectly executed documents can lead not to development, but to the financial collapse of your project.
Investment strategies and trading
Professional retraining and mini-MBA. The volume of the program is 262 hours. The goal of the program is to acquire systemic knowledge to perform a new type of professional activity in the field providing financial management services to the company, in the securities and investment markets with the formation/improvement competencies.
Part-time study
Digital economy. Issue and circulation of cryptocurrency
Training. The program volume is 72 hours. This course is suitable for both those who have never heard of the digital economy and those who have been working in this field for a long time and would like to gain new knowledge.
Full-time education
Managing investment assets in the Python environment
Training. The program volume is 54 hours. Gain new competencies and skills in the field of investment asset management, portfolio optimization and trading using the software environment Python, as well as making effective investment decisions, developing automated trading strategies and modern financial methods analysis.
Full-time education
Using Project Expert and MS Project programs in the development of business plans and investment projects
Trainings, seminars and certification. The program volume is 36 hours. The purpose of the program is: the formation and development of students’ creative abilities in project management; meeting the individual needs of students to improve knowledge in the field of project management; students gain knowledge, skills and abilities in using project management automation tools.