New versions of operating systems often have a "children's sores" and OS X Mavericks is no exception. Migration Assistant can not be entirely correct to copy your files, and some apps and features will not work correctly. Similar problems are observed not at all, but some users have encountered with them. I'll talk about the most ubiquitous of them and show you how to address them.
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Podvisanie download the update utility Mavericks
Many users are faced with a problem downloading the update Mavericks. This can be seen by opening Lauchpad - Mavericks icon is gray, and the progress bar stops. You can try to press "Pause" and then "Start". If nothing changes - solution is to delete and re-download the update. To do this, you need to open Launchpad and hold down key ⌥ (icons start to wiggle in iOS), which appeared on the press Mavericks «X» and remove the downloading updates. After that, go to the Mac App Store and re-download the update.
Oddities with Gmail
Gmail has always been distinguished oddities in the IMAP-protocol implementation. After the upgrade, Mail, trouble with sync on your IMAP mailboxes should disappear. But if you have changed your Gmail settings before you upgrade to OS X Mavericks, there is a chance the following problems. Messages moved from "Incoming" in some other folder eventually appear in "Incoming" again. If you are a fan of «Inbox zero», such behavior Mail disappoint you.
To restore the normal operation of the mail, you need to enable the option "Show in IMAP» in your Gmail settings. To do this, go to your Gmail settings through a web interface and in the section "Labels" check to see if the corresponding option is enabled. After that, everything moved messages will remain in place, and you will enjoy the empty incoming mailbox.
Scroll bug in Chrome and other apps
Some users have complained that after the upgrade to Mavericks, scrolling Chorme stopped working. If you have a very important Chrome and you use it as the primary browser, you can try to solve this problem. There are two ways. The first - is to reinstall Chrome, or a second, less radical - to include in the display settings, scroll bars. To do this, go into the system settings in the "Basic" and there choose "Always" for the option "Show scroll bars". It may also help to solve the problem of the scroll in other applications, if it was.
Mail does not store your password
There is nothing more annoying than a situation where the application does not remember your password and you have to enter it manually. This is doubly annoying if you use a long and complex password protection. If you encounter this when using Mail - problem can be solved. Open the mail settings, on the tab "Accounts" section go to the "Extras" and choose "Apple's token" for the option "Authentication".
Very long restart and shutdown
Turning off the computer or perezagruka - one of the most simple things, but after the upgrade to Mavericks, some users have reported problems when the process dragged on and lasted for a long time. If you find yourself in this situation, do not rush to get upset and forced to turn off your the Mac, hold down the power button. Copy the following commands in Terminal (one) after the first will need to enter your password.
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
After you have entered all the commands, open the "Disk Utility" (Programs - Utilities), select the drive on which the Mavericks, and then click "Restore access rights." After the procedure, shut down and restart your Mac will be faster (only in the event that a problem had the place to be).
Quickly update your shared links
With the Mavericks, Apple has added Twitter / LinkedIn client in Safari. Unfortunately, this client, known to us more like a "General references" is not automatically updated. The default shortcut is not present, but that does not prevent us to create it yourself. Go to system settings, see "Keyboard" tab "shortcuts." In the sidebar, select the «App Shortcuts», then from the drop-down list, select Safari, and in the "Menu Name" write "Update common links." As shortcuts choose any convenient for you. I have appointed ⇧⌘R.
If you did everything correctly, you should have both the screenshots. Now, to update the common links, just press ⇧⌘R.
I wish you a trouble-free upgrade to Mavericks and stable operation. Hopefully in the near future to update, which will fix known bugs. What difficulties did you update Mavericks are facing you, and whether it was possible to solve them? Share your experiences in the comments.