How to achieve the perfect figure without dumbbells and exercise machines
Health # Yasozdayusebya #Adidasurbantri / / December 19, 2019
They say that a ballerina for hours on end at the barre exercise and do not eat anything. Therefore, they are light and airy. Body ballet does not require such victims, although it is necessary ballet excerpt. But what a result!
I continue to explore different sports within the project adidas «I create myself». Looking for the perfect workout that will help keep in shape and interested in something other than sports results, inspire and forced to take up themselves seriously.
Body or ballet
Going to a body-ballet, I was a little nervous. I am one of those people who collect all the corners and fall out of the blue. Which of my ballerina? But in order and need complex goal to make it more interesting to reach them.
The training, which took place on the "Arrow" was much more "body" rather than "ballet". From the side it might seem a simple exercise group aerobics, if not for one thing: the same ballet. This meant that any movement to be performed with drooping shoulders and back straight (ballet posture), to keep the legs twisted in ballet positions. Well, the hands must move smoothly and beautifully, as if you were on the stage. No sit-ups and swings, plies, and only Batman. And this is not the same thing. This is a special technique through which the ballerina look so amazing.
But plie and pass alternated with his usual kardiorazminkoy, asanas, everyone's favorite bar and power exercises. Music on sports party too, it was not classical ballet: for mood and alertness meet a group of DJs.
Like little more than a ballet, that is to stand at the bench and look at it all in a huge mirror. For technical reasons it was impossible to exercise took place under the open sky.
In general, body-ballet - this is a very modern version of the art. And he needed not only to dance, but for the power and establishing himself in the literal sense of the word.
Perfection - it is difficult to
Exercises that show us Lily Skovorodnikov help sculpt the body as sculpture, working on all the muscles and thus makes them beautiful.
As soon as the training progressed, I opened the difficult truth.
- Do not remove the leg. It is necessary to take arms, and to do so it was born ballet.
- When the foot is turned, it will not rise. Nothing. And all because not enough to know anatomy to control their muscles. They need to be trained.
- If you turn the right leg and still pick up, it will be terribly difficult. Awfully hard to keep pride in themselves.
Body ballet - a blend of fitness, yoga, ballet, stretching, dance. I believe that this is exactly what modern girls need to be both strong and graceful. Body ballet - a strong load, and because the muscles are working properly, they form a beautiful, toned body.
lily Skovorodnikov
Around the middle classes had a desire to get up, roll up the mat and leave. Yes, I just do not know how to move your hands and feet in this position!
I kept the memory, oddly enough, a doctor's office. It just so happens that I have to keep an eye on the state of the spine, is constantly checked by a neurologist and take courses of therapeutic massage. My doctor said:
Nastya, your problems with posture not by weak back muscles, you work through them. You do not work the hip rotators, because the pelvis toward the wrong position and leaves the spine.
It was only in training "I create myself"Body-ballet I fully understood what the doctor had said. These muscles I did not work! They almost never gets stress in daily life, and on standard training they pay little attention to. From the body of the ballet should consist of at least my charge if I want to keep a bouncy gait to a ripe old age.
But how hard it is. The final stretch was much steeper than usual hitches training, we wanted to get the most from their ligaments and muscles. Ballet is unthinkable without the twine and flexibility, this always involves stretching exercises through the pain. So, it was painful, but I was resting.
Worth to do body-ballet
I would never have believed that someone good will two or three times a week, ready to expose themselves to such a grueling workout. But on the "Arrow" was attended by girls who are addicted to body-ballet for a long time. And you know what? They unrealistically beautiful.
After class, the girls were given fruit smoothies. They were very helpful, because stamina demanded urgent replenishment. Sipping a fruity cocktail, I asked Lily whether body-ballet really help to make a figure such as she. "Of course, but in a class - two or three times a week", - said Liliya. And I believe her.
You are, incidentally, still have time to register for the training, and check out the action on the body of the ballet itself. Or choose something else from the program "I create myself».