8 simple ways to remove a hickey
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
What is aspirated
Hickey - this is an ordinary bruise. Like most of the bruising, it appears, when injured capillaries - tiny subcutaneous vessels - and they imply the blood.
Dimensions Suction and richness of its color depends on the number of capillaries and suffered much blood has had time to run out of them until they formed clots. The aspirated bigger and brighter, the harder it is to withdraw.
Suction from, as well as from any bruise, will not work to get rid of the night, no matter how you tried. To hematoma disappeared, you will need one to three weeks.
The following methods can speed up this process for a few days. And the sooner you startHome remedies for getting rid of hickeysThe more chances you have of success.
How to remove a hickey when it took less than a day
During this period, the main task - to try to get as aspirated a small and unobtrusive.
1. Attach something cold
This may be a piece of ice, wrapped in a thin towel. Or chilled in the freezer spoon. Or soaked in cold water cloth.
Such a compress applied for 15-20 minutes, will narrow capillaries. As a result, the skin gets less blood than it could, and then aspirated will be smaller and lighter.
In addition, the ice will reduce the swelling and possible pain.
2. Use the drugstore cream or ointment from bruises
Your choice - drugs without a warming effect. This is important: warming speeds up the flow of blood that now you do not need. Look at the list of active substances dimetilsulfoksid, heparin and dexpanthenol.
3. Relax and unwind
You did everything you could. So the less you move the affected part of the body, the less blood will be shed under the skin, and the less will be aspirated.
If aspirated sore, drink a painkiller such as paracetamol. But not ibuprofen or aspirin: they can thin the blood and increase the size of the hematoma.
How to remove a hickey, if it took more than a day
By this time, the bruise was already generated. Now it is necessary to the body as quickly as possible brought out from under the skin clotted blood.
1. Put warm compresses
Several times a day for 10-15 minutes to apply a heating pad aspirated or cloth soaked in warm water. Heat accelerates blood flow and allows the body to get rid of the clotted blood.
2. massage
The goal is the same - to speed up the blood flow at the site hematoma. You can rub a hickey fingers (do it carefully so as not to set yourself a new bruise!) Or assume massaging dental brush with a soft bristle brush.
To enhance the effect of massage, follow it for 3-5 minutes before applying a warm compress.
3. Use tools with plant extracts and vitamins
It is best to have proved:
- Aloe juice. According to some reportsClilinical importance of aloe veraIt accelerates the healing of wounds. Including promotes more rapid resorption of bruises. So buy pharmaceutical creams or ointments or push the aspirated a piece of cloth soaked in the juice of aloe.
- Arnica extract. Ointments and gels on the basis of its reducedAccelerated resolution of laser-induced bruising with topical 20% arnica: a rater-blinded randomized controlled trial swelling and accelerate the regeneration of tissues, that is your hickey quickly becomes unnoticeable.
- Vitamin K. It promotesThe effects of topical vitamin K on bruising after laser treatment restoration of capillaries and strengthen their walls. In addition to the pharmacy for external use, you can try a banana peelTraditional and Medicinal Uses of Banana. Attach it to the inside of the affected area of ββthe skin.
- Vitamin C. In his arsenalVitamin C in dermatology - anti-inflammatory properties and accelerated healing of injuries. So use creams, compresses of finely chopped onion or mash of black currant or apply to bruise the flesh of an orange or tangerine.
Smeared with creams or compresses should be 2-3 times a day.
4. Eat foods with vitamin C or K
Vitamins act inside and accelerating healing. At the time of the fight against aspirated enter into the diet of little more citrus fruits, tomatoes, raw carrots, peppers, leafy vegetables, liver, Eggs.
Suit and supplements with these vitamins. However, on their application should consult with a physician.
5. Use masking makeup
If you do not have time to wait, mask aspirated proofreader or creams. The most effective means of working with a yellowish midtone.
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