Shortcuts to Web services: Gmail
Tips Work And Study / / December 19, 2019
By the use of "hot keys" to the software on your computer, many are accustomed to. But what's there to dissemble, before the advent of computer mouse with all the programs that way and work. The mouse is now even easier, and human interaction with the user interface, but it is faster and more convenient to many of the actions carried out using exactly "hot keys".
Today we write out what keys will speed up with the most comfortable to date web mail - Gmail. These keys work in the Gmail interface is enabled only if the English layout.
from - New letter;
/ - moves the cursor in the "Search";
k - transition to a new correspondence in the mail list;
j - the transition to the older correspondence in the mail list;
n - the following message;
p - previous message;
o or Enter - open a conversation;
u - go to the list of letters;
y - archived email;
m - archives the current message, and causes all messages linked to "fall" into an archive folder, bypassing the Inbox;
x - the choice of correspondence;
! - Report spam;
r - reply to the letter;
a - reply to all recipients;
f - to send a letter;
Esc - leave the search field;
Ctrl + s - to save a draft;
Tab -> Enter - send a message;
y -> o - archiving the current conversation and move to the next;
g -> a - go to the Backup folder;
g -> s - go to the letters marked "asterisk";
g -> c - go to the contact list;
g -> d - go to drafts;
g -> i - Go to Inbox.
To be continued…