To start a business, you have to spend money. Some types of businesses require large investments, other - the minimum. But the problem is not even in the amount of the costs: how quickly can increase small capital and enchanting pull nowhere fortune. The main question, in which you need to understand before you start a business - how quickly the money will be back to you.
You can not absolutely predict when it will be released in plus. This will depend on the dynamics of the market, the demand for your product, and other factors that need to be analyzed and taken into account. The basic formula for calculating the payback period is as follows:
Where INV - investments in the business, R - profit per month, and TOK - payback period.
When you perform the calculation for your business, operate the actual figures from the market, see the performance of competitors, keep in mind the possible increase in prices and the decline in sales is not in season.
For example, this formula will calculate the payback manufacturing wooden garden swing. Let's say you are going to do them in his garage with the assistant carpenter and purchased at a discount at a local sawmill.
- Open IE - 1500 rubles.
- Purchase material - 50 000 rubles.
- Buy tools - 20 000 rubles.
- Help pay the carpenter - 25 000 rubles.
- Order advertising - 10 000 rubles.
- To equip the premises - 7000 rubles.
Total 113 500 rubles.
You have estimated their strength, assessed the market demand and realize that you can produce and sell 10 swings per month. Price per copy - 5000 rubles.
Substitute the figures into the formula:
TOK = 113 500 ÷ (5000 × 10)
TOK = 2,27
It turns out that your expenses for business will pay off in about two months. You will continue to be the cost of materials and work, but the rest of the money will be earning.
Before opening a real business need to calculate everything in much greater detail. But do not rush to spend money on a financial adviser - read themselves with the principles of profit calculation. IN B2Blog there is Detailed computation circuitWhich will help you understand your business will take off or not. This blog is in an accessible form tells about the different instruments for profitable business. Will be able to learn how to avoid mistakes that hundreds of entrepreneurs to you.
Here are five ideas for the business, which will be released rather quickly into a plus.
1. Services for children
- Average output in the plus: 3-4 months.
Fast return here due to market demand and low investment. The most popular services for children - educational and entertaining.
Education - it's all kinds "razvivashki" section, reading and pre-school centers, music studios. Demand for such services is consistently high - to learn foreign languages, reading, sports and playing instruments, children begin before school. Large-scale investment in equipment is not required. But teachers need and space.
Entertainment - Holidays for children, trampoline centers, areas with video games and amusement. Children's birthday parties or a weekend with the whole family are increasingly carried out. This business does not require a special education teacher. But will have to invest in the improvement area. For example, a small trampoline slide is worth about 100 thousand rubles. For a quick return on their investment, it is necessary to find a place with high traffic.
In the field of children's services trend on an individual approach. If you can not fit all kids under one standard - immediately stand out from the competition. For something unique people are willing to take their children even at the other end of town. In order to provide better services to the rank and file to open in residential areas. But the densely populated quarter is not a guarantee of demand. It is important to study the competitors: they may have already closed all neighborhood requirements.
Tatiana Bazdyreva, Financial Advisor, management accounting and financial modeling specialist
2. Online courses
- Average output in the plus: 1-2 months.
The advantage of this business - absence of large investments. Possible costs - headset with microphone, a high-speed internet, a website and advertising. The site can be done independently or register on the aggregator page rates. Good advertising will become disciples recommendations.
But the time to build your program will have to spend - to stand out among hundreds of other courses. Think about what your experience will be useful additional students. For example, you can teach English through songs and music programming to explain the specifics of financial transactions for banks, train features of wedding photography.
The main mistake - trying to cover everything at once. Select a specific specialization and close its customer service problem. For example, you tutor in English. Bad idea - to write "A professional tutor with 10 years' experience," these thousands of professionals. Good ideas - "Learn to speak English without an accent" or "ready for negotiations, interviews or speeches in English." Spend a few lessons for free and ask students test what they expect from this service in order to understand the reasons to focus.
Tatiana Bazdyreva
3. Event decor
- Average output in the plus: 1-2 months.
Instagram has built in the era of the cult of the aesthetic design of all. Decorators invited even at home birthday parties that they organized a beautiful photo zone and picked up a single holiday style. What we talk about weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties and big themed parties.
In the event-registration you will not need to buy a lot of materials in advance. Usually you checked scenery plan with the client and then build up a budget and paid in advance, and which will acquire the necessary elements. Will get a reliable contractors flower bases and printing houses. Your initial investment will be used to create a portfolio (you may have to arrange some free holidays friends), site development, advertising and the opening of IP.
This business is subject to seasonality. For example, a wedding agency period of active work - from June to August. If there is a lot of fixed costs such as office rent and payment of the staff, the high risk to face cash shortages. Evaluate your business in terms of seasonality. If unstable revenues, minimize fixed costs and move at full pay.
Tatiana Bazdyreva
4. agricultural production
- Average output in the plus: 8-10 months.
Payback will largely depend on whether you own land or have rented it. But in any case, the products are always needed, and modern nutrition taxis trend in the environmental and natural.
In Russia, one of the most profitable and payback agribusinesses - growing in greenhouses. You have to spend money to build a greenhouse, seeds and irrigation system. But the seeds are a hundred times cheaper than the products you grow. Winter garden can be operated in the winter: cool temperatures in the grow seedlings for sale, and different kinds of herbs.
The status of the farmer gives some advantages: preferential taxation, Subsidies and special lending programs. Learn which of these possibilities have in your area, and use them.
Tatiana Bazdyreva
5. Home Services
- Average output in the plus: 1-2 months.
In his spare time, people want to relax and not be engaged in cleaning or repairing broken detail. Therefore, the great demand for repair and cleaning services. Investment in this business are low: the tools or detergents with equipment, advertising and bureaucratic procedures.
If you do the repair, installation of air conditioners and water heaters - should be well advertised and increase volumes. In cleaning your customers can easily become permanent, because spend cleaning the house once or twice a week. It is particularly important to be friendly and kind person that people will want to invite into your home.
Consumers in this area lacks a predictable result: when it is not necessary for the master to finish anything or remodel. If you get it, you're already a few steps ahead of the market. To excel in the field of cleaning services to help, for example, checklists: Cleaner checks that nothing is forgotten, and the client knows exactly what to pay. The repair services - provision of guarantees. It will show the client that you are responsible for the quality.
Tatiana Bazdyreva
6. street food
- Average output in the plus: 6-8 months.
Russian public catering lacks useful snack for those who do not eat at home, but watch out for meals. But the opening of a cafe or restaurant costs can pay off for years. Another thing - fudtrak. Van on wheels, where the coffee machine is installed, a small stove, refrigerator and other necessary equipment.
If you can put next to a couple of shops - great. If not, do focus on the format of "myself." In this case it will have to invest, so your fudtrak should be in a place with high traffic. For example, close to the business centers.
Unique recipes and catchy advertising, unfortunately, will not ensure success without a well built up processes for production and logistics. Give them attention: check whether the premises sanitary standards, whether the package retains the freshness of the product, and think of other technological issues.
Tatiana Bazdyreva
Whatever business you may have developed - to assess the costs, profitability and risks "on the bank." To better imagine what challenges faced by entrepreneurs, read blog Beeline Business. He explains how to properly advertise your product helps you choose the working tools and understand the complex Russian laws, cunning and unexpected tax penalties.
To begin to understand the business