The first work of the first sex: everything is important
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Thoughts on the subject decided to share our reader Elena Bukreeva.
Elena Bukreeva
Beginner employer, employee of long standing.
Lovely girls who have graduated from high school, college, or more specialized courses did not finish but eager to find a job, this article is for you! As a friend of mine says, "in short, the theme of this"... From that, what will be your first job, as well as where in you will get a first experience depends on your self-confidence and, as a result, your ability to enjoy and give pleasure to the partner (here and below refers to a partner employer, of course).
Dreams of a first job as a dream of first sex
Everyone wants the first time it was like a movie. Candles, wine, bearskin fireplace... And he, "the best of all," whispers, entangled in your hair: "How long have I been looking for you!" And immediately the wedding, children, happy old age surrounded by grandchildren in a house on the shore ocean. But in reality... well, if everything happens at the parent couch rather than in the cold porch.
The first experience should not disappoint you and make feel shame. Therefore, dream a dream, but a realistic assessment of themselves, their abilities and their comparison with the expectations of possible partners can not hurt. Listen to more experienced friends, mother, read articles on the Internet, admire careers celebrities, but do not stop to hear itself.
Who you are? What and whom do you really want? What is the partner you need? What is your uniqueness? Your dreams should be yours and not borrowed from others. Dream! But be careful. All men want sex without commitment. All employers want employee worked as much as possible and as small as can be received. Do you want marriage, children, grandchildren and the ocean. Dream, but try not to plan my whole life.
The first does not mean a lifetime, the first - it is only the beginning. Be bold in choosing! Regarded as a potential best employers. The only way you find suitable.
And of course, do not waste time and energy on searching for a partner that does not suit you. Remember: if you want to be happyever do not agree on workThat does not excite you, or even worse, cause boredom and disgust.
They want experienced
Yes it is. They want experienced. And men. And employers. Rare job ad does not contain the phrase "experience is required." This is both good and bad. Bad because it is not clear where to get the experience if everyone needs only with experience. Good, because you have the motivation to get an experience that is not ashamed to demonstrate coveted employer. In addition, the inexperienced have lots of advantages. Show potential employer that:
- Do you have a basic knowledge.
- You are full of enthusiasm.
- Your human qualities on the ball.
- Well, the power of the charm has not been canceled.
first date
To start a serious relationship - and labor is no exception - it is very important impression you will make on a first date. Of no sex - oh, the - we can not speak if you are sloppy. Spools sweater, worn-out shoes, unwashed hair and lack of manicure - best friends misfits.
Option "I'll put all the best at once" is also not suitable. From a mile away you should smell taste and confidence. Therefore, a hundred times before, once put on!
With clothes sorted out, and where to get the confidence, if your hands are shaking and his mouth was dry? Do anything: drink relaxing tea, engaged in auto-training or breathing exercises, but you should not look as if you have a rare form of dengue fever.
Paleness and painful shivers no one cause of desire. They do not want you - man or the employer.
Smile. Not taratorte not cheep. Do not interrupt and do not start talking first. Even if there was a pause, do not try to fill it. Wait. Not casting a leg over the other and do not slouch. Do not fumble or scarf hem of her dress. Nothing fumble. From your peace of mind and a lot depends on the shutter speed. Do not look away. SRAs are not on the floor. Do not roll your eyes that your interlocutor does not seasick. Do not try to lie. Sincerity is captivating. The employer, as a man should wish you have a real, not contrived. Otherwise, frustration and loss are not subsequently avoided.
Learn to say "no"
At the stage of the negotiations you and the employer - equal contracting parties. Under any pressure not settle for something that confuses you or is contrary to your wishes.
Alert, if you say:
- Work for us for free one or two months.
- First, you'll receive a little, and then, when we understand that you come to us, we will pay the fine.
- Usually we accrue salary on the basis of the work done at the end of the month.
- That we make sure that you come to us, were rounded up for a beer and wash my car.
These and similar proposals respond firmly "no" and mentally (and if the circumstances are forced, then aloud) send potential partners as far as possible. they will unsuitable!
Without protection - no, no
If you have passed all the tests and the employer opened his arms, do not rush to throw them. Your partner should take care remedies. In an employment relationship such means are the employment contract and employment history.
Under the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to conclude a written contract with you in two copies within three days from the date of employment and make the work book for five days. The employment contract must be many things, but the main thing for you - the position for which you are taking, and wages.
If you consent to unprotected relations, be prepared as follows:
- The employer can not pay you a salary.
- Salary may not correspond to the declared when applying for a job.
- You throw out on the street at any time without explanation and compensation.
- You do not give leave, no sick pay and so on.
Of course, it may happen that the desire to get a first experience will be stronger than the fear of unprotected relations. Or partner will be so good that dizzy - and spit on it! This is your choice. No you will not condemn him. But if you agree to the relations without protection, be ready for anything!
Bad experience is not a reason to leave the monastery and had a ball
If you have failed and the employer dismissed you or has promised to call and does not ring, that is no reason to take offense at himself and the whole world, to lie down on the couch, laykat photos in Instagram and beg for money from parents and shoes chocolates. As you were! Anyone who refused to you today, just not yours. Look, do not stop, and you will meet her prince. You also need it! He is waiting for you!
But to indulge in all serious - work somewhere, somehow, someone - no. Unloved work tends to be delayed for a long time. Sometimes for life.
Do not despair and do not fall into depressionNot engaged in self-flagellation! But do not settle for the first option tucked. Believe it! Look!
Everything will be: and the wedding, and children, and the ocean!