Salad with flowers and cabbage soup: is it useful and effective popular diets
Health Food / / December 19, 2019
Anna Ivashkevich
Nutritionist, clinical nutritionist and psychologist, member of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition.
1. The ketogenic diet
This power supply system with a high-fat diet, a moderate amount of protein, and minimal - carbohydrates. In a conventional power base diet are carbohydrates. When the ketogenic diet energy source - fat. At deficiency carbohydrates liver converts them into fatty acids and ketone bodies which support the work of the brain.
This diet was originally used for the treatment of epilepsy in children. But then it fell in athletes, which is important endurance (marathon runners, cyclists, etc.). Finally, in recent years it has become popular among those who want to lose weight.
When the ketogenic diet is allowed to contain a large number of fat: Meat, bacon, cheese, butter (like butter and vegetable), nuts and seeds, dairy products, avocados, mushrooms, lettuce, fiber-rich vegetables. Occasionally there can be a dark or bitter chocolate, fruit. Most foods containing carbohydrates (pasta, bread, sweets, cereals, etc.) are prohibited. Sitting on a ketogenic diet is recommended for at least three months.
According to nutritionists
In this diet contains large amounts of saturated fat, a small amount of protein and almost no carbohydrates. It may be useful in autoimmune diseases and bulimia. But it can not be used as a regular diet.
Such food can be dangerous for those who are poorly digested fats or have hereditary diseases as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
2. intermittent fasting
This intermittent fasting. The most common mode - spending 16 hours without food or drink only water, And the remaining 8 hours to eat normally. Or you can go hungry on the weekends.
Adepts of such food believe that the "hungry" period, the body starts the process of autophagy - to get rid of unwanted cells and self-healing. Due to this, people not only lose weight, but also strengthens the immune system. Practicing intermittent fasting is recommended every 1-2 weeks.
According to nutritionists
Such a diet similar to that of interval starvation. It is proved that the non-daily 16 hours of fasting may have a positive effect on weight loss. However, it should be remembered that this practice should not be regular. It is possible to arrange a discharge once a month (with a maximum of a week).
With intermittent fasting is necessary to look at the individual performance of man. Such a diet is contraindicated pregnant, People with mental disabilities or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To it must be properly prepared in advance: try to eat less at night, to give up fatty foods, to reduce caloric intake.
3. Flower diet
Fashion trend, whose followers are added to the diet of edible flowers. According to proponents of this diet, buds and petals contains nutrients - vitamins and antioxidants. For example, the beverage dandelion flowers improves liver function and helps lose weight. Rose petals are rich in vitamin C. Jasmine and hibiscus are highly complementary tea, lime can be added to scrambled eggs, and pickled nasturtium buds have instead of capers.
On this diet, you can replace 1-2 meals vegetable salad or fruit smoothie supplemented with petals and flower buds. Stick to it can be an unlimited time on the state of health.
According to nutritionists
With such a diet low protein component and virtually no carbohydrates. If you do not lead an active lifestyle, the floral diet may be an option fasting day. Lose weight with it, you can, but to sit on it constantly is not necessary.
Some flowers do have useful properties: it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (pumpkin), improve digestion (Nasturtium, dandelion), have a diuretic effect (marigold), relieve inflammation (basil), sooth itching (jasmine). But if you suffer from asthma or have a tendency to allergies, from the use of colors should be abandoned.
4. Diet soup with cabbage
The basis of this diet - soup, cooked from cabbage, Onions, carrots, tomatoes in own juice, sweet peppers, celery, brown rice and greens. Within a week to this dish, you can add the allowed foods: fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, juice.
Practicing such a diet is not recommended more often than once every three weeks.
According to nutritionists
Like any other diet, this food is based on caloric restriction. There are virtually no protein and carbohydrates, the body will not stay liquid. If you need to lose weight fast, then this diet is ideal. However, not the fact that the result will be long-lasting.
5. cleansing diet
It is intended for removal from the body toxins, excess fluid, reduce blood sugar levels. During the diet significantly reduced the number of calories consumed (up to 600-800 kcal). Allowed juices compotesRaw, steamed or baked vegetables, vegetable broths, fresh fruit. All this without salt and sugar.
For added effect, you can drink a laxative tea, add cayenne pepper into the food, do a cleansing enema. The duration of the diet - from 6 to 11 days.
According to nutritionists
Such a diet is in any case can not be applied at home. It is necessary to consult with a specialist. Many cleaning procedures are made exclusively under the supervision of a physician and have contraindications. So experiment at home - not the best option. You can only aggravate the situation and, as a minimum, to make problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Such a diet is well suited as a preparation for starvation.
6. raw diet
Its essence is simple: eat only raw foods of plant origin, as well as eggs and fish. Allowed vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, seeds, sprouted grains, nuts, dairy products, herbs and spices, fresh fruit juices, honey, green and herbal teas, vegetable oil.
To sit on such a diet is recommended from 3 to 10 days.
According to nutritionists
Some foods you should not eat at all in their raw form, as they are poorly digested. Meat you will not be eaten raw, except fish. However, it may contain a large number of toxic substances and heavy metals (e.g., mercury) that damage your health.
crude Diet - is not a panacea. Alternatively, you can arrange a two "raw" days. But note: with gastrointestinal diseases it is forbidden to be cramping.
7. alkaline diet
This power is based on a certain ratio of alkaline and acidic foods - optimally if it is 7: 3. The first group includes fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, lean meat and fish, brown rice and buckwheat. To the second - the bread, beans, fatty meat, eggs, tea, coffee.
Recommended fractional (4-5 times a day) diet, the use of minimum salt, Avoiding alcohol, large amounts of water.
According to nutritionists
The statement that the food may change the acid-base balance of the body, is very controversial. Certainly, the predominance of vegetables and fruits in the diet will benefit. However, it needs to consult with the doctors to take into account characteristics of the organism, so he would not hurt.
In any case, before you sit on any diet, you need to be tested and find out if you have any contraindications. And keep in mind that quickly lost weight usually returned.
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