Instagram-etiquette: what picture is better not to spread in the network
A Photo / / December 20, 2019
Internet is full of jokes about Instagram and published in this network selfie, dinners and other beauties. Such an amount of humor makes you think that all this, maybe not so funny, and that Network literally littered fotomusorom absolutely ugly or too bothersome photo. Your lunch and selfie may well trigger a migraine. Instagram for salvation and your eye, we offer the eight rules of etiquette for fototvorchestva filtered.
Rule number 1. Not for every meal need a filter
Rule number 2. Instagram - it's not 9gag or
Rule number 3. You can post a picture of your cat, without attributing to it that "he did selfie"
Rule number 4. # # Do not abuse the hashtag # #####
Rule number 5. Do not overuse the filter Kelvin
Rule number 6. Try to publish photos of a sunset or sunrise only if they are really breathtaking. Your profile - this is not a textbook on natural history. Most people, and so are well aware of how to look like the natural phenomena.
Rule number 7. In your bathroom will never be enough light for us to believe that you have not used #nofilter filter. And in general, stop already doing selfie in the bathroom!
Rule number 8. And before you fill the entire tape your selfie, consider them with an artistic and aesthetic points of view;)
Undoubtedly, life through Instagram filters looks richer, brighter and more interesting than it actually is. In principle, you can fair to say that if someone is not satisfied with something, he can unsubscribe and leave your comments to yourself. This is quite true, but, breaking certain rules and irritating others, you are clearly not boost your ranking. There is much to ponder.