Why do we make bad decisions, and how to deal with it
A Life / / December 19, 2019
There is confirmation bias
Imagine that you have decided to try his hand at something new and went for the first time, for example, yoga classes. Are you worried that you are not wearing, or not be able to fulfill all that already know how to others. You are located in the far corner of the room, so that nobody will notice. Every laugh people in the neighborhood you are taking into your account. Are you sure that all the fun of your inexperience. In the end, you promise yourself that most never to return.
What happens when we experience such feelings? The fact is that we tend to look for all sorts of confirmation of their own beliefs.
In the above example, a person tries to discover every little thing that would have confirmed his fears and complexes. And with this approach, it is required to find, not noticing and not believing that all engrossed in their works and no one pays attention to him.
This phenomenon is called in psychology the confirmation bias. It is human tendency to seek their own way to interpret and remember the information that confirms his view.
How does it affect our lives
Confirmation bias affects every decision we make. Shopping, health, career, relationships, finances, emotions - this tendency leaves its mark on each of our choices, although we do not even notice.
Confirmation bias affects in three aspects to us.
1. Search for information
We often biased look at the world around us.
You overcome the heavy thoughts, and everything is going according to plan. You go to Facebook or Instagram, you can see a photo of smiling friends who are traveling, having fun and playing weddings, and more and more convinced that in life you have no luck.
That's because you do decide to find their confirmation depressive thoughts. Did you know that these photos will drive you into an even greater depression, but still wanted to see them.
2. perception of information
Confirmation bias also affects the way we perceive information. Sometimes even the very little fact can "confirm" our beliefs.
When you are in love with someone, that person seems ideal to you. You do not pay attention to his shortcomings. And if the relationship ends, the shortcomings that were with him always, become apparent to you. Here is the same person, just earlier vision of the situation affect your feelings.
3. Storing information
We can change the memory in a different way to interpret the facts from the past, based on our beliefs and prejudices.
During the experiment,Selective Group Perception. , Which was attended by students from Princeton University and attended Dartmouth College, they were shown the game between their educational institutions. As a result, participants noted more violations on the part of students from other institutions, rather than by their university or college.
This is due to the fact that students were initially convinced that the team from their educational institution better opponents. Therefore, they still have memories to support their point of view.
Why do we tend to confirm bias
The thing is that we do not like to make mistakes. That's how the people.
The error means that we are not smart enough. That's why we try to discover what confirms already known fact.
Participants in one experimentNeural correlates of maintaining one's political beliefs in the face of counterevidence. provided accurate information, which was at odds with their political convictions. At this moment they are activated areas of the brain that are associated with physical pain. It looked as if the physical pain is own fault.
It is easy to take someone else's point of view, if it does not apply to things that are important to you personally. However, each of us have beliefs that form the basis of our personality. For example, we are inherent only positive character traits. A proof that our beliefs are fundamentally wrong, often cause cognitive dissonance - the inner conflict of ideas.
As a result,YANSS 093 - The neuroscience of changing your mind. We either stubbornly defended his position, or refuse to accept the fact that it does not match.
We are running away from reality, so as not to cause yourself pain. Brain He is trying to protect us, like us in real danger. In addition, he is experiencing a huge loadCognitive Illusions. A Handbook on Fallacies and Biases in Thinking, Judgement and Memory. Analyzing facts that contradict our beliefs. Therefore, the brain is the shortest way to solve this problem - to confirm our point of view, even if wrong.
How to deal with it
Be curious and less skeptical
When you enter into a conversation with a person with the intention of whatever was to defend their point of view, you fall under the influence of bias confirmation.
The researchers studiedSelf-theories and goals: their role in motivation, personality, and development. the behavior of the two groups of students. Students from the first group avoid complications due to fear of being wrong. And members of the second group, on the contrary, enthusiastically took up challenges, viewing them as an opportunity to learn something new, and not being afraid to make a mistake. Success of students from the second group were higher than in the first.
Do not try to prove their case. Explore the world and applies to all as a valuable experience. Afford to make mistakes, you learn a lot.
Learn and take someone else's point of view
This will help you adjust your view of the situation. We can even change their deepest beliefs surroundingThe Affective Tipping Point: Do Motivated Reasoners Ever "Get It"? yourself with people whose point of view is fundamentally contrary to our own.
Taking an important decision, ask a loved one to express their arguments "for" and "against." So you will be more likely not to be mistaken with a choice.
Watch your habits
When you find yourself back at that seeks out confirmation of your innocence, try to find evidence that you are, on the contrary, wrong.
As a rule, if we want to do something, then everything around will push us to this decision. Instead, focus on finding the information that will discourage you to take a bad decision.