How to build a greenhouse or home fast and for pennies
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
To quickly build a greenhouse, do not spend a lot of money and make it strong, you need to choose a particular form. In contrast to the square and rectangular greenhouses dome form is much more resistant to strong winds and retains heat better. Well, you can build it for a day or two.
We are so used to straight lines and angles, which is hard to imagine anything else in his dacha. We have a square or rectangular house and the same greenhouse. Meanwhile, there are also more profitable forms of buildings, for example, one of the oldest forms used by nomadic peoples - dome structure. Such structures are excellent aerodynamic qualities, they retain heat better, and to construct greenhouses and even at home quite easily.
Tents can be called one of the first makeshift dwellings erected by man. Tepees and yurts are easy, simple and mobile shelters for the nomadic peoples. But this design is not outdated - modern architects and designers use these structures for the construction of huge stadiums and observatories. It turns abruptly and with a minimum of cost.
Materials for the frame and the cladding
Dome structure, assembled from straight parts are called geodesic. They're going into triangles, and the more triangles you make, the more smooth shape will have the structure. The material for the frame could be wooden slats, metal tubes D20 or PVC pipe.
There are several sites and forums devoted to the buildings dome shape. For example, old enough, but functional site
There is a special calculator that calculates the length of the parts for tents with different frequency.
For example, you choose the dome with a radius of 10 feet (about three meters) and triangle frequency 2. The calculator calculates for you the length and the number of parts and fittings.
Using as a material metal pipes, you can easily squeeze the ends and drill holes in them for mounting using hand tools. Of course, with a vise, drilling everything goes easier and faster, but in principle it can be done with a hammer and drill.
The more precise openings in the parts of the frame, the easier it will then connect them with bolts.
If you use a wood frame, you can put the pieces of metal fasteners and screws.
When the frame is ready, it's time to cover the greenhouse. You can use plastic wrap, it is the cheapest, but will serve no more than a season. You can also use a stronger reinforced film or PVC film, which can last up to three years.
Another embodiment - cover greenhouse polycarbonate sheets from 4 to 10 mm. The sheets can be simply cut with a knife and mounted on the frame.
The shape provides strength
Aerodynamic dome shape provides a built strength even at strong winds. Furthermore, such a form allows to maintain the temperature inside and distribute heat evenly.
For example, on a sunny day at -15 ° C in the air outside the greenhouse may be heated to +26 ° C. And for a particularly cold winter, you can make additional greenhouse inside a tent made of wire and plastic film.
Dome house for two months
So with minimal effort you can do on your site a solid geodesic greenhouse. But that's not all, for what you can use the dome shape. For example, you can even build a country house, and, moreover, to handle just a couple of months.
Of course, you need a foundation for a house. For example, some builders in the Tyumen region used pile-screw, with the installation of which is quite possible to manage without the help of professionals. Of course, heavier designs need a solid foundation.
Frame house built of wood with metal fixtures and top sheathed with sheets of water-resistant plywood. Use different materials for insulation and exterior trim of the house.
Kits are sold even for self-assembly of the dome home.
The result is a nice round houses, which in its cheapness and speed of construction are obtained strong and well keep the temperature and thus make it possible to save on heating.