Where to watch online broadcast of the concert?
Music Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Nothing can compare with the energy that you feel when you come to the concert of your favorite artist. Memories of this event for a long time will excite you, and no live-recordings are not able to bring the same feeling. However, if you just can not get to the concert, one option to experience virtually all of its atmosphere is still there - it is the direct online broadcast of a concert venue.
Lots of interesting concerts offers to see the site EggTop.com. On a page of the online broadcast, you can see upcoming events, concerts as well as those that have already taken place (which you can see in the record).
In order to be able to view the concerts, you need to create an account, it will not take much time. After registering you will be personal cabinet.
One of the upcoming events on the site made me a special interest. In the evening, February 23 site EggTop.com will broadcast live performances of the group «Infected Mushroom» of the St. Petersburg club "Cosmonaut". IM is always pleasing his fans an unforgettable show, so if you have never been to their concert, it's worth it to see. While viewing the online broadcast, you will be able to discuss what is happening with other viewers in a live chat.
If you are tuned to see the concert, we recommend that you pre-register on the site, at the right time just go on view a page.
Besides being able to view the shows on EggTop.com so much more interesting. The developers have done a platform for communication budding musicians, producers and listeners. Musicians can upload for everyone to see and the court their composition, order of voting, participants can they evaluate and express their opinions, and even get paid for it, and the producers, respectively - to search for new talents.
All of this has been successfully working on the old version of the site and gradually transferred to the new one. So, do not be afraid that some sections of the site are not available yet. As you will be able to fully assess the near future all the features of the portal.