As im used without harm to their own productivity
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
It is known that while performing different tasks on the computer it is best to turn off all the possible "irritants" such as an email client or favorite im client. But what about those for whom im has become a tool of business communication? We represent a few tips-making in a given situation.
Use one interface
Several open simultaneously im clients (such as ICQ, Google Talk, and so on) will bring you only add to the confusion and loss of time. In this case, the help of the program, which in one interface allow you to use all your im accounts, for example, Miranda (Windows), QIP (Windows), Pidgin (Windows, Linux), Adium (Mac).
Configure the client for themselves
Perhaps every new incoming message that pops up, blinking, and is accompanied by a specific sound signal, attracted too much of your attention. Go into the settings and choose the most convenient for you to type a new message notification.
The important point is, and your status. They were created for a reason (and not only to expose the yellow ducks), but just for your own convenience. For example, during working hours, you can be invisible to all but the most important customers, which can be combined into one group. Options abound.
Cause time
Naturally, in the course of the working day there are times when you have a rest from the main serious work. At this time, you may read the feeds, send emails or chatting in im. The main thing that it happened about the same time every day. The two people gradually get used to it and will not try to "reach out" to you at other times of the day.
We hope that the tips given above are clear to our readers. Of course, each has its own im «tricks» to which you resort. Share them with everyone in the comments.
via How to Use IM Without Ruining Your Productivity