It not so long ago was on June 1 - International Children's Day, and we also wanted to touch on the theme of childhood. Namely: children's questions, 'Who Knows?', Which is so often baffled even the most hardened layfhakera. How to answer the endless questions as to encourage the educational interests of the child and not lied to him, did not dismiss empty words - try to deal with specific examples and speculate about it.
Let's start with the obvious things: children's issues can not be ignored. Even if we are busy, even if the question seems stupid and useless (and more often we think so, when we do not really know what to say) - you still need to answer. The child learns the world, it is strange and it is not clear what is obvious to us, and we - the most important and authoritative source for it.
Take for example a children's question "Why is the sun does not fall?" And consider the answers. A similar scheme can be applied to any "why."
The answer dummy
Because the gladiolus. Because it does not fall. Because. You're still small and still do not understand. I go ask my grandmother.
It's not the answers.
We create in the child the feeling that he asked about something primitive and uninteresting, and assure ourselves that, like as not ignored the issue completely. In fact, so we gradually discredit itself as a source of information. Children learn quickly, and very soon the child will understand that the difficult things you better not ask.
Response to provocation
And why should it fall? And why do you think that it might fall? You better ask: why the Earth does not fall on the Sun?
Such a response is not bad, but only if you are willing to continue the conversation. Otherwise, it will be perceived as an implicit disapproval, confusion and unwillingness to answer: too me udumal what to ask! Similarly, another question you invite the child to speculate, look for the answer together, and it's great. You fire up children's curiosity, show that about the issue seriously. But be aware that embarked on the dangerous ground: The question now is will only multiply. On the other hand, you gain time in order to better articulate (or a quick google) the correct answer.
The answer is with reference to the universe
Because it is. That's how the world is. These are the laws of physics. So it was opened. Us this answer may seem beautiful and philosophical to address child problems. Form. But in fact this is not the answer. The child was little he clears, and most importantly - does not give food for thought. As children experience while small at this answer have nothing to say, and then ask the same kind of the inning.
Scientists, too long answers
The sun over the earth in linear dimensions of about 109 times, and the volume - 1.3 million times the sun keeps the huge gravitational forces around Earth itself ...
Example exaggerated, but the point is clear: we will try to give a comprehensive answer from the point of view of scientific knowledge. Such a response is good for the student, who came to consult with you on the job. But not for the preschooler. It is not that the answer to the child is not clear. Even if you are adapting it, it will be too exhaustive. Information does not leave in the child's brain space for their own conjectures, inferences. Quenched curiosity, you turn to the child in a walking dictionary. In some situations, it is good. For example, if you do not want to further questioning on this topic. Or if the child's logical mind, he had already developed enough, and he requires the most accurate data. On the other hand, if I answer every question, you get pretty bored - from the cradle to live in a world where everything has already been described and studied.
Fabulous and anthropomorphic responses
Because the sun rays is kept for the sky. Because it is glued to the sky with special glue.
Good for very young children. Humanize the phenomenon of nature, animals and plants - is a classic course, known more for children's fairy tales. Very clear, accessible, interesting, one problem - not true. For a while this answer satisfied "Who Knows?", But not very long. If the child goes to kindergarten, and actively communicate with other children, then this information can serve him a disservice. And most importantly, when you've decided on the tactics - be ready in some time to adjust to the current head of children's knowledge of the system.
Answers Variations
Some people think that this is only until the fall, and one day the Earth will face the sun. And some people believe that... I'm thinking that... And the Internet is written that ...
An excellent answer to an ambiguous question. We give the child to understand that the one and only truth exists, expand his horizons, encourage independent thinking and conclusions. Problem: The installation of this inevitably translates into a counter children's question: "Who is right?"
Concise answer on the merits
The sun can not fall. It's huge and very far away from us, just think a little. A fall can only be that close to the ground.
A short, thoughtful and quite truthful answer - is a good thing. You get the idea, you find simple words, simple meaning: this is what the child will most likely wanted. An important point: do not forget to leave room for the children's imagination, a small nedogovoronnost that interest, intrigue, and after a while the spur to new research.
Do not seek to put the child in place, as soon as possible to dismiss it. Pay attention to all of these absurd, crazy, abstract issues - Grow your child thinking person and a worthy companion.
(C) Many of the ideas are taken from research V.Belyanina (Moscow Psychological Journal)
And how do you usually respond to questions pre-school children? What if you can not go to find the correct answer?