HD Tune - tool for testing hard drives
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
In order to thoroughly test the hard disk, you can use the utility HD Tune.
In addition to hard disks, the program also works with memory cards and flash drives.
The program allows you to scan hard drives and other storage devices for errors, displays information about the firmware version, serial number, volume disk and cache possible and active data transmission mode, displays the data rate, the access time, CPU usage, HDD temperature, shows a summary data table S.M.A.R.T. In order to be able to share this information, it is possible to copy to the clipboard with screenshots parameters. The program is available as a paid, professional version, and in a free, available for personal use.
To test drive is enough for me and the free version, and the use of space, its treatment, and ability to work with the command line program I was not particularly interested - there are free programs for these purposes. Guaranteed performance in Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista. Program Website: http://www.hdtune.com/.