Alexander Konstantinov, OnDoc: «Number of tine arms, which I arrived at the establishment of the company, it is difficult to calculate"
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
The situation in the niche of personalized medicine recalls mid 90s of the last century - a huge empty field start times Runet. Those who come today on the market (including telemedicine), tomorrow will earn billions of dollars. "MakRadar" decided to find out how things stand at one of the pioneers in the niche of personalized medicine - the company OnDoc, and talked with the founder of the company - Alexander Konstantinov.
I looked at your background is. I understand that you have never had to do with medicine. How did the idea to create OnDoc?
It was quite unexpected. I never thought that I would be engaged in the project. But began to appear different situations, including in medicine. I'm lost help that they gave me the doctors, girl friend got into a difficult situation. She underwent surgery on the eyes, the next night there were complications and needed urgent reoperation. But we did not know what she did anesthesia at the first operation, as no statements on the hands was not. And without this, it was impossible to do a second operation. That's because of these things and I began to do OnDoc. And another important point. We are not taught in school, how to take care of their health. I think this is wrong.
Personalized medicine - it is when the data is not stored in a paper map and on the MacBook or iPhone. So it looks from the outside. And that, really?
I think that this concept is somewhat broader, because we not only store data but also automatically analyze them. The system provides guidance, what should I do to stay healthy. I think this can be added to the individual work with the doctor for a long time or even a lifetime. And OnDoc gathers information from a variety of applications, for example, or a Cardio Heart Rate, and use it during a visit to the doctor. In the future, we plan to make the function of viewing the personal data of the patient from the doctor's office. When all this is combined in one service - it is personalized medicine.
What place in the system of personalized medicine takes iPhone / iPad?
This is an important part of the service, because about 80% of our customers use the service from mobile devices. First, medical data may be helpful in the most unexpected places, and with a smartphone they are always at hand. Second, the measurement data, for example, the pulse is much easier to make a phone than elsewhere. Also, a large number of customers receiving service from a medication notification.
Tell us about a typical client OnDoc. Who is that man or woman, as his or her age, what kind of education and so on ...
We in the different periods of development of the group of service users changed. We conducted various experiments, sought its target audience. Our service is new to the Russian market, and we are still in the process of learning who our target group. At one time we had 60-70% of men who are actively using iPhone, iPad and other mobile devices. Then he went to a bias towards women, and the figures have stabilized today. About 55% of users - male audience, 45% - the female audience. For Runet is the classical distribution. With regard to age groups, the main audience aged 25 to 40 years old. About 10% of people aged 50-60 years. And it is amazing for us. Someone keeps pressure monitoring data, someone is watching cholesterol levels, and so on. And sometimes these people are more active than younger users.
And how many OnDoc users?
We have about 60,000 members and is the only mobile application. Now we are growing to 10,000 users per month. Number of users of the site roughly corresponds to the number of mobile application users. This audience is difficult to separate because they intersect.
And thereby you earn?
OnDoc free for users. For clinics there is a small fee, and we do not charge for a given customer or views, call the clinic. And the price for clinics is really very affordable - from 2500 rubles per month.
In fact, you give them Disabilities?
I would not say so. We do not sell our customers' applications, a specific advertisement or any other information. And that makes us different from other similar services. We help hospitals create high-quality medical service, a competitive advantage for themselves.
What difficulties have you faced when creating OnDoc?
The biggest challenge - my personal competence. Before OnDoc I have not had any medical services or in general IT-projects. The amount of rake to which I came with the establishment of the company, it is difficult to count. All other issues were of a private nature, in ordinary business practice.
What do you think about telemedicine?
Maybe someday we think about how to deliver these services, but still believe that it is not too interesting to our audience. In addition, telemedicine is not yet regulated by the state, and a visit to the doctor is a must before he will advise you. In OnDoc we do not make diagnoses, we can not prescribe medication.
What are some niches in the field of digital health, in addition to telemedicine?
I see that is not occupied by a niche for remote diagnostics.
In 2012, the boom of medical start-ups in the United States. By 2015, this wave has reached us. What can peep in America in the field of digital health?
Here we must remember that they have very different health system is built, and there are other requirements for information systems. Therefore, we in the development of OnDoc nowhere looked, and took into account the needs of Russian customers. But, of course, I follow the trends. The US is now rapidly developing telemedicine. Already there are dozens of services that allow you to chat live with your doctor. Also, now I see the trend of creating services for diagnosis. Their essence is that people come to the site and is responsible for a very large number of questions that asks him a virtual assistant. I can not say whether the diagnosis is correct, but at least it easier for customers to understand which doctors he will need, what happens to him.
In July it was reported on investments in medical startups that made Yuri Milner and Roman Abramovich. For me this is an indication that in 3-5 years, every dollar invested in digital healthcare will bring at least $ 10 profit. What do you expect from OnDoc?
I think that now really is the revival of mobile healthcare market in Russia and in 3-5 years all private clinics will be transferred to electronic medical records and will support various medical Services. Of course, it will be profitable, and ultimately enhance the quality of health care in Russia. For us the most important criterion is not how much we earn and how we can affect the quality of health care.
Thank you, and good luck in OnDoc development.