The key to success - in simplicity, or what can we learn from the experience of Google
Motivation Technologies / / December 19, 2019
The simplicity is really nothing simple. It just seems that the simple things in a much faster and easier. In fact, to achieve the clarity and simplicity, clarity and ambiguity in the projects that you are doing in those problems, and even daily routine - a kind of art, the ability to create simple and clear things, to make life simple and easy-there is something magical.
If you have not thought about how complex and difficult the road might be to ensure that the service is a simple, easy to make the most successful project, you take a look at the experience of Google at a time when it has not yet turned into a high-tech "monster," to produce its own mobile operating system, and even some strange points.
When Google introduced its own search engine, the company was by no means the first, who provided the services of Internet search: the market is not the first bossed dozens of competitors. However, the version of the search engine Google quickly left all competitors far behind, and an unknown newcomer has become the trend of the decade. The simplicity of the search page, where there was only one form of search and 1 button, has become almost the main key to this success. As the findings of the study Siegel + Gale 2011 Global Brand Simplicity Index, the level of the Google brand simplicity and accessibility of a decade after its the appearance on the market has become an absolute leader and perhaps the first word that comes to Internet users on the mind when the question "What is the most simple and intuitive to you product."
In the case of Google triggered the principle of "Less is more." Give people at least, make them unambiguous choice, and the number of mouse clicks - minimum - and the Internet world will reward you for it. By the way, this Zen-like simplicity is able not only to reward the developers of Internet services and startup managers, but also many people who want to give the world something new.
It must be admitted that for success is simply not enough "and take everything easier." In that Google is not fixated solely on how to simplify design. The company held a huge and hard work to create a system of relationships and constraints by which time and It has been determined for all that can and can not fall on the main search page, a page with search results. In this case, the company's management had to endure a "fight" with their own engineers, developers and the designers; and sometimes even go against the requirements of the users themselves, who wanted more "interesting," but not the functionality.
The path to simplicity is including the ability to say "no" extra "frills" and the desire to "make it better." If this principle works in Internet development, the fruits of which people use in offline life, then why it can not adopt for life in general?
In many ways, the same search engine from Google in our modern life has turned into the same integral thing like toothpaste; However, as rightly pointed Marissa Mayer, which occupied not so long ago the position of top manager in the company: "Imagine that your toothpaste would be packed every once in a tube and other forms of packaging, color and size, than that which you are comfortable enjoy. " Simplicity in many ways is to narrow the list of available options and select only those key needs that must satisfy to the maximum. Again the same: this principle to work successfully for the internet services, one can adopt for real life.
Anyone who has ever once in a lifetime trying to create a simple product, a service or a simple website to simplify the laws, rules or methods of communication - everyone should be ready ktomu that the path to simplicity runs through the need for corrections and merciless rejection of the many details that seem to be "insanely fit." If the writers during the work on classic novel is not "sacrifice" the secondary characters, or some storylines that do not carry the main load, the world would never have seen many brilliant works. If the writers and directors are not removed entire episodes and scenes from his films, a list of the 100 best films of all time would have been empty, but we would be doomed to watch 5 tichasovye picture. Search simplicity of genius level - difficult, painful to deal with, but it is extremely important for the success of the task.
The main thing that you should learn to do - it to distinguish from what is to abandon immediately and that you must leave. Companies and web projects are faced with this difficult choice continually; but we ourselves in their lives, too often making such a choice. Do not try to "learn everything" to "sell everything" "catch everything." The key to success lies in the simplicity and the ability to choose the most important.
A photo: Shutterstock