The best fitness tips 2017 version Layfhakera
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Proven recommendations on how to make your body strong and healthy, to find suitable training and do it with pleasure.
1. Exercises that pumped buttocks better than the squat and deadlift
There are much more effective exercises for pumping buttocks than squats. In this article you will find a list of exercises with photos that help activate the glutes quickly increase their strength and size.
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2. Exercises that will save your posture if you sit a lot
If a person sits for a long time, especially in the wrong position, the body adapts to it. As a result, spoils the posture, there are pains in the back, shoulders and neck. In this article you will find exercises to help stretch the muscles squeezed and maintain the correct posture.
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3. 22 typical rookie mistake in the gym
In this article, the master of sports of rugby and a fitness maniac Anatoly Shpakov shares his advice on how to get from the beginning of training more and protect against injury and frustration.
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4. How to build muscle by exercising with a body weight
It sounds impossible, but you really can build muscle without weights and exercise machines. In this article you will find tips from a famous athlete kalisteniki Kavadlo Danny (Danny Kavadlo). It tells how to choose the number of repetitions, to share and to increase the load, in order to achieve a beautiful relief without the gym.
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5. How to pick a workout for your personality type
Some like consistency in training, others always want to novelty, while others are in need of praise. This article describes three types of temperament that define your preferences in the sport. Find out to what personality type you belong to, and pick up the perfect sport that will inspire and motivate you.
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6. 2 exercises to help extend the life and youth
To stay longer young, not to lose muscle mass and maintain a healthy heart, you need to add to your life more traffic. In this article you will learn about the two universal intensive exercises that simultaneously helps to strengthen muscles, maintain heart health and stamina to pump.
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7. Beautiful body without the gym - it's real
In this article you will learn how to use exercise to its own weight can be loaded with different muscle groups, you will see several athletes kalisteniki with a really cool figure and get a list of sources where you can find the right workouts and you exercises.
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8. As in the past month to learn how to do push-ups 50 times
If you already know how to do push-ups and want to increase the number of times in the approach, use this practical guide. You will find the training plan for the month, consisting of five variations of push-ups. The load is increased gradually: you start with five push ups and finish cherished fifty.
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9. How to catch a forward split and why they need it
Twine is needed not only to the gymnasts and karatekas: the gymnastic element is good for health, especially if you exercise. In this article you will learn about some good exercises that will help to prepare the muscles and tendons for longitudinal twine, and get recommendations for the safe and effective stretching.
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10. How to make yourself practice sports
In this article, blogger Maxim Bodyagin tells how to play sports in the fun. By example, he argues that the occupation by force will not lead to anything good. Hated any physical activity can be replaced by a similar, but a favorite.
This article is definitely a must-read for those who are not involved in sports, because he hates to run or pull the iron.
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More and more articles about the sport and fitness you will find here. Layfhaker writes about how to make the training safer and more efficient, improve your posture, lose weight or gain weight. Read articles about sports and fitness, learn more about your body and achieve their goals.