How to get rid of the fear of the dentist
Health / / December 19, 2019
Julia Kloud
The head of an expert resource on dentistry.
How to stop panic afraid of the dentist? "Rubbish!" - will answer many patients, especially made it onto the Soviet dentistry, and perhaps immediately drink four drops of valerian.
Sometimes it seems that the fear of dentists we absorb with their mother's milk, which is passed through the memory of dentistry without anesthesia, anesthesia inoperative and doctors, not burdened with excessive politeness or patience. However, times have finally changed... Or not?
Fear of the dentist - a disease?
Yes, panic fear of dentists - it is a disease, which is called dentofobiey, odontofobiey or stomatofobiey. The command, "Gather, rag, there is anesthesia!" In this case does not help. A person suffering from such a disease, just can not cross the threshold of a dental office, even when the tooth pain becomes unbearable.
It is important to distinguish between normal anxiety before a visit to the doctor from panic disorder. If your anxiety gives way to understanding the arguments, then you do not have the disease.
If the thought of dental treatment blood pressure jumps up to unknown heights, begins a rapid heart rate, you can not afford to perform even the simplest instructions of the doctor, then you dentofobiya.
Alas, to hide from problems with teeth can not. Caries and tooth loss are fraught with gastrointestinal diseases, migraines, even scoliosis. In addition, prevention is not only much less painful, but also costs less serious treatment. So what to do dentofobam?
Where does the fear?
Of course, each have their own reasons dentofoba appearance phobias. Sometimes it is possible to cope with the disease only by a psychotherapist. However, in general, there are two groups the most common causes of dentofobii.
Fear of the past
Many patients managed to catch the Soviet dentistry. Especially vivid impressions were those who treated teeth as a child. Many still remember how they were held in the four hands, while the doctor drilled cavities without anesthesia.
adult treatment was no better. The main anesthetic was the word "Hold on!". It is a deep-seated belief that dentistry - it is always a hell of a pain, and forces people to avoid dentists for years.
Fear of the reaction of the doctor
The second most common reason - it's unwillingness to be back in the position of the child, which was blamed for running adult dental health. The patient is afraid of what the doctor bluntly express their dissatisfaction with poor dental care. Ultimately, it is the fear of humiliation, which makes stand the pain and difficulty chewing food, but would not go to the doctor.
Two ways to take the first step to a dentist
Of course, to overcome the panic and fear is difficult, but there are two ways to help dentofobu if not overcome fear, then at least make sure that modern dentistry is not as bad as it it seems.
Knowledge is power
One of the most effective ways to overcome fear, rooted in the past - is to learn how modern dental clinics operate. Today, doctors always offer the patient an injection of anesthetic and used for this proven safe products.
Modern diagnostic and treatment tools allow you to not only quickly, but also painless solve any problem.
In addition, dentists communicate properly with patients and patient, because they know that psychological comfort improves treatment success.
physician politeness
Today we can say quite fearlessly dentist that you are afraid of treatment. The cause of your fear will pay the same attention as in dental problems, pick the right doctor, and also will offer several options to combat panic.
How to forget about fear: psychology and medicine to the rescue
psychological tricks
Methods of dealing with dentofobiey depend on how strong your fear. Many patients are quite passionate about anything to fear dulled or gone altogether. For example, in a doctor's office on a chair sometimes set TV panels. During the procedure, the patient looks nice movie or entertainment programs, apart from the treatment.
With the same purpose, use mediaochki or headphones with music that drowns out the drill. If you can, then it is replaced by a laser. The mere absence of a drill calms many anxious patients.
In addition, sometimes a doctor before taking some dentists spend spa treatments. Gentle massage, aromatherapy, herbal pleasant tea and relaxing music often help patients overcome the increased anxiety.
health tricks
But sometimes dentofobiya it is so strong that the fear overshadows all attempts to escape. Then doctors offer patient medical way - is a dental treatment under general anesthesia (the same anesthesia), or in a state of sedation. What is the difference?
Sedation allows the patient to talk with your doctor to carry out his instructions, and answer questions. But when the patient is relaxed and peaceful. Anxiety, excitement and fears completely smoothed.
Sedation tolerated by most patients is much easier than anesthesia. Moreover, if some problematic teeth, with the help of sedation can carry out a full treatment of them all, thereby reducing the number of visits to the doctor.
Anesthesia or general anesthesia - is an extreme measure, which is used in cases where sedation is not even helping the patient to cope with fear. Anesthesia is used, if the state of the oral treatment requires very extensive, as a complex type of anesthesia, which may have serious consequences.
What is the result?
Modern dentistry is doing everything to patients with dentofobiey able to efficiently and easily cured teeth.
A few simple tips can also help in the fight against terror:
- carefully choose the clinic where you will be treated;
- find a regular doctor, get used to that;
- occupational health at least once every six months will protect your teeth from cariesAnd you - from the drill.
Also do not forget to brush your teeth two times a day, use dental floss and mouthwash. Then you will be caries is not terrible, like a dentist!