12 Best Pets for Kids
Miscellaneous / / May 08, 2022
We tell you what to consider when choosing and what to prepare for.
Things to think about before getting a pet for your child
Pets bring joy and help instill a sense of responsibility in the child. At the same time, a thoughtless choice can end badly for both you and the animal.
In an article on PetMD, veterinarian Lauri Hess tellsThese Are the Best Pets for Kids at Each Age / PetMDthat many people get frustrated with their pets simply because they don't know how to take care of them and what to expect.
So, before you go to the pet store or look for listings for sale, consider a few points:
- How much space will be needed. Estimate where your pet will live and whether you can place him away from the bed. Some animals, such as rats and hamsters, are nocturnal and can interfere with sleep.
- How much does it cost to take care of an animal? Will you be able to buy a spacious cage for a rodent and a suitable terrarium for a reptile, will you have enough money for quality food, bedding, training and a visit to the veterinarian.
- What will be interesting for the child. Some animals are well attached to people, others almost do not pay attention to them. What does your child want: to watch, to hold, to play, to walk with a pet?
- Will the child be able to interact with the animal. Think about whether your children are ready to carefully handle fragile animals, gradually tame disturbing ones and take care of those who require constant attention.
- What will you do if your child loses interest in a pet? Even if the kids beg you to buy a furry friend, after a week they may completely forget about him. Think about whether you can take care of the animal yourself and how you will look for him a new home if you are not ready for the extra trouble.
In any case, before taking an animal, bird or reptile, learn as much as possible about them. Watch videos from experienced breeders, read grooming articles, and talk to people who already have such pets.
Below we list a few popular pets for kids, the main features and problems you may encounter.
What pets can you get for kids
1. Cat
A great option for any living conditions. For the most part, cats are affectionate, playful and non-aggressive animals that do not require special care and give their owners a lot of positive emotions.
If you want to get a kitten, it is better to do it not earlier than your child is 3-4 years old. It is more difficult for kids to explain that a cat is not a toy, but a living being, which can also be painful and unpleasant if, for example, the tail is pulled or held against its will.
In addition, an older child will be able to take on some of the responsibility for the cat. For example, at 5 years old, he is able to pour food and change water, and at 6–7 years old, he can comb out his pet and clean the toilet.
You should not get a cat if:
- you are very worried about repairs and furniture. Pet can choose as scratching posts door jambs or favorite sofa;
- one of the family members is prone to allergies to cats;
- you are not ready to brush wool from clothes, furniture and everything in the house.
2. Dog
As a rule, for families with children, it is advised to choose non-aggressive dogs that are friendly and non-competitive. On the list of the best are included10 Best Family Dogs / American Kennel Club labrador retriever, golden retriever, bulldog, beagle, irish setter, collie, French Bulldog.
But we must understand that even dogs of the same breed can be very different from each other due to the characteristics of the psyche, and with proper education Almost any dog can become an affectionate and loyal friend.
The question is whether you are willing to devote enough time to it. Unlike cats and many other pets, dogs do require a lot of time and effort. We can say that when you get a dog, you bring another family member into the house. If you're not ready to expand just yet, consider other options.
A dog is not suitable for you as a pet if:
- you are not ready for the cost of food, trips to the veterinarian and dog handler;
- you do not have time for daily walks and training;
- At home, you value peace and tranquility.
3. Budgerigar
Bright, sociable and noisy birds are perfect for home keeping. They become attached to their owners, imitate speech and are even able to learn a few words.
Since a small child can inadvertently harm a fragile pet, it is better to get parakeets for children over five years old. And it is advisable to immediately take at least two, so that they are not bored.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that parrots need periodic flights in order to keep their wings in good shape. At this time, you will need to monitor the feathered one so that it does not harm itself and does not spoil things and wallpapers.
It is better not to get a parrot if:
- you are not ready to put up with constant noise;
- you plan to have only one bird and are not ready to devote much time to it;
- you are not sure that the child will be able to handle the pet carefully.
4. Rat
Rats are smart and active, they are not afraid of people and other pets, they climb well, jump far and love to explore something new. Watching them is pure pleasure.
The child will be able to carry a pet on his shoulder, play with him and even take him for a walk. Decorative rats are very friendly, quickly get used to the owners and do not bite.
But their claws leave micro-scratches on the skin, which then itch. This passes quickly, but is still unpleasant, so it is better if the rat runs on clothes, and not on bare shoulders and neck.
Even if the children promise to spend a lot of time with the rodent, it is better not to keep the rat alone - she will be bored. Better take two same-sex individuals or a whole company.
It's best not to get rats if you:
- are going to keep the cage in the room where you sleep. Rodents are active at dusk and make noise at night;
- You know that the child is strongly attached to pets. Rats live for about 3 years and often get sick;
- want to have only one animal and are not ready to devote a lot of time to it.
- What you need to know before getting a pet rat
5. Chinchilla
These cute rodents have very soft and fluffy fur, big eyes and cute paws that look like little hands. But at the same time, you should think twice before giving such a charming child to a child.
Chinchillas are not particularly contact, they need to be tamed, and if they get scared, they can bite. Moreover, the rodent should not be kept in your arms for a long time, so that the pet does not overheat, and its dry fur does not get wet from wet hands.
Therefore, you should not start a chinchilla for a child under 10-12 years old. First you need to make sure that he can learn all the rules for handling a gentle animal and treat him with care.
In terms of care, the chinchilla needs a large cage with a plastic or wooden bottom, as the bars mayCaring for a Chinchilla: What You Need to Know / PetMD irritate the paws of the animal, sand baths and temperature control - they are very sensitive to overheating.
You should not start a chinchilla if:
- Do you want a contact pet that you can pick up all the time?
- there is no room for a large cage in the apartment;
- Are you prone to allergies to animals?
- you do not have the opportunity to put the cage where the fuss and cries of the chinchilla will not be heard at night.
6. Rabbit
These fluffy pets are quite smart. They can be trained, they can remember their name and respond to it, they are accustomed to the tray. If a rabbit is accustomed to a person, it can be quite affectionate and playful, happy to sit in your arms.
However, it must be borne in mind that you need to take it correctly and in no case should you grab it by the ears. Otherwise, a frightened rabbit may bite the offender or hit him hard enough with his hind legs.
It is best to have a rabbit for a child from 7–8 years old, so that the little owner treats the pet with care and can take care of him.
In size, an adult rabbit is comparable to a cat, but it requires much more attention. He needs a cage at least 120 x 60 x 120 cm or a special paddock in which he can move freely.
Some owners keep rabbits without a cage. If you decide to do this, keep in mind that pets will gnaw on everything wooden, including your furniture, they can ruin wires and other things. So it's better not to leave them unattended.
You should not get a rabbit if you:
- cannot buy a spacious cage or paddock;
- are not ready to sweep up the garbage, wool and feces that the rabbit will leave free-range;
- you are afraid that furniture, wallpaper and everything that lies on the floor may be damaged.
7. bearded dragon
These are reptiles that like to sit on their hands. So if your child is into lizards, the bearded dragon is the best choice.
Keep this lizard needBearded Dragon For Beginners (The Complete Care Sheet) / Everything Reptiles in a spacious glass terrarium measuring about 120 x 60 x 60 cm. They also need ultraviolet lamps, a temperature of about 35-40 ° C and humidity air 30–40%.
In addition, the bearded lizard needs to be fed live insects - they make up 80% of the reptile's diet, while only 20% comes from fruits, vegetables and greens. If you (and the child) are not scared by this, it will be very interesting.
The Bearded Dragon is not for you if you:
- not ready to spend money on a spacious terrarium, lamps and heating;
- not sure that you will closely monitor the temperature regime and the presence of light;
- hate the insects that you have to feed the lizard.
8. Hamster
Hamsters look very cute, do not require a lot of free space and tolerate loneliness well. Unlike rats or birds, they do not need the company of relatives to live a happy life. Moreover, these rodents will not be upset if they are not taken out of the cage at all.
Despite their cute appearance, hamsters are not very sociable, require gradual taming, and bite quite hard if they are frightened. Therefore, you should not get such pets for small children, who so far cannot recognize a living creature in a soft ball with their own needs and fears.
As for keeping, the hamster needs a cage with dimensions of at least 50 × 40 × 30 cm, with a running wheel and a distance between the bars of no more than 1.5 cm so that the rodent does not escape. This animal cannot exist on a free range and, if lost, is very likely to get into trouble and die.
You should not get a hamster if:
- you can't stand the noise at night. Rodents are active at dusk, so if you put the cage where you sleep, it will interfere;
- The child is strongly attached to pets. Hamsters live only 2–3 years;
- you want to be able to play with your pet. It all depends on the nature of the particular animal and your efforts to tame, but still some hamsters can avoid contact with people, so the child will only have to watch him.
9. Achatina snail
If your child likes exotic pets, giant Achatinas can be a great choice. Such pets will not cause any inconvenience - they will not make noise and scatter garbage, they will not bite or scratch the baby. They live at the same time for quite a long time - up to 10 years.
Caring for snails will also not cause any special problems. Achatina live in a terrarium or a ventilated container with a volume of 10 liters or more, on a bedding of soil or coconut substrate. It is important to maintain a temperature of 24-28 ° C and a humidity of 70-85% in the habitat, and change the filler and water in a timely manner.
Snails feed once a day, eat fruits and vegetables such as apples, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce. Achatina is also recommended to give calcium supplements, for example, from crushed eggshells.
You should not start a snail if:
- your child wants an active pet with whom it will be interesting to play;
- you are not ready to seriously approach the arrangement of the terrarium, maintaining the desired temperature and humidity. If the snail is cold, it can hide in its shell and fall into suspended animation.
10. Canary
Canaries are suitable for children who enjoy watching animals more than interacting with them.
These bright and beautiful birds do not requireAll About Finches and Canaries / PetMD special care. Unlike parrots, they cannot pinch a finger painfully and do not need occasional flights outside the cage.
However, canaries do not tolerate loneliness, so it is advisable to take several individuals at once. If you want songbirds, take males - they are more vociferous, and their trills are more melodic.
A rectangular cage with several perches is suitable for keeping a canary. It must be installed in a well-ventilated and well-lit area. Daylight in the morning and darkness at night are necessary for the health of the birds. It also depends on whether they will sing.
You should not take a canary if:
- you are annoyed by noise, fuss and chirping;
- your child is not neat enough and can harm a fragile pet.
11. Yemeni chameleon
This is a bright and beautiful reptile with a long tongue, lightning fast reactions and eyes that rotate independently of each other. The chameleon is active during the daytime, so that the child can watch him and take the pet in his arms without fear.
To keep a chameleon, you will need a 60 x 45 x 90 cm terrarium with good ventilation, woody soil bedding and various snags and branches that you can crawl on.
As with the bearded lizard, the Yemenite chameleon definitely needs UV lamps, which should shine for 11-13 hours and then turn off. In order not to disturb its natural cycles, it is advisable to set a timer.
Particular attention should be paid to heating the terrarium. In the place where the chameleon is kept, there should be two zones: cold with a temperature of about 26 ° C and warm - from 35 ° C. In the second, the lizard will bask after eating.
Chameleons feed mainly on insects. They do not notice standing water, so you will have to install a drip drinker or waterfall.
As for the taming of a chameleon, at first the child can feed him from his hands, and when the lizard gets used to it, get it out of the terrarium. However, everything here depends on the particular individual - some get along well with people and become attached to the owners, others do not tolerate relationships outside their zone.
You should not start a chameleon if:
- you are disgusted by insects, since they form the bulk of the lizard's diet;
- not ready to seriously approach the arrangement of the terrarium - take care of temperature, humidity, the presence of various snags and lighting.
12. Guinea pig
Guinea pigs bite exceptionally rarely, but they are very shy and require some effort to tame. In order for the pet to feel comfortable and not be afraid of the owners, you need to gradually accustom it to hands, lure it with goodies and wait until the animal gets used to it and stops being scared.
If you are not sure that the child is attentive enough to cope with this on their own, try not to leave them with a pet unattended at first. Otherwise, the furry friend will be in constant stress, which will have a bad effect on his health.
Like the rats Guinea pigs they cannot stand loneliness, and a person cannot always replace his brothers with him. Therefore, it is better to have two individuals of the same sex at once so that they are not bored.
Since these rodents are quite large, it is worth keeping them in a spacious cage at least a meter long and sometimes letting them out for walks, making sure that the environment is safe.
It should be borne in mind that guinea pigs will urinate everywhere. Therefore, you should not walk them on your favorite carpet or sofa, but it is even better to lay something fleece that will be easy to wash.
You should not get a guinea pig if:
- you are annoyed by noise and loud noises. Rodents can scream, squeal and make noise, especially if they start to get bored in the cage;
- you are not ready to clean the house often. Bedding in guinea pigs gets dirty quickly, and if cleaning is delayed, a strong odor can develop;
- you are not sure that the child is able to carefully handle the pet, not to grab him against his will and not to frighten him with loud sounds.
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