Exposing the 5 myths about wisdom teeth
Health / / December 19, 2019
Marina Kolesnichenko
Dentist, chief doctor of dental clinic Beauty Line.
Wisdom tooth - from the name and breathes something of the mystery category. But there is nothing mystical in them is not - it's just teeth that erupt much later than the others, but not in children. Dentists call them third molars and eights. Actually is a rudiment, inherited from our ancestors, whose jaws were much wider.
There are many misconceptions associated with these teeth.
Myth 1. Wisdom teeth are cut in adolescence
As a rule, it is not so: the eruption of wisdom teeth usually begins just 18-25 years. Why? The fact that these teeth, unlike the others, are not formed during fetal development, and in 3-5 years. If you take a child to a pediatric dentist in this period, he can even determine how many wisdom teeth it will have in the future.
The formation of the crown of the eights occurs approximately to 12 years (that is, when most children already there is a change in the milk occlusion constant). However, the roots of the wisdom teeth continue their formation, with sometimes even after the eruption.
Thus 10-15% of people do not have eights. These lucky people will never encounter discomfort during their eruption and spend all their life with a set of 28 teeth. Moreover - a different number of wisdom teeth may erupt in different people. That is why the rule is the presence of 28-32 teeth.
Myth 2. Any discomfort should bear the appearance of wisdom teeth
Almost all the people, this process is accompanied by discomfort, and rarely can boast that they have not experienced any soreness. This is due to the fact that there is no dairy eights "predecessors".
There is often a labored wisdom tooth eruption due to various pathologies, and in this case you should consult a doctor. But the common man can distinguish normal from labored teething? Indeed, most any appearance eights accompanied by an increase of temperature of 1-2 degrees, and pain in the jaw when swallowing, inflammation of the gums, and even submaxillary lymph nodes.
If you have seen a very sharp pain in the gums and jaw, blood extraction and pus from the gums, swelling of the cheeks and lips and tongue are injured, you do not need to put up with it - should immediately seek medical attention. These symptoms indicate an abnormal eruption of eights.
In any case, to determine normal or abnormal eruption of wisdom teeth is happening in your case, can only dentist. The sooner it detects a problem, the easier it is to solve it.
Myth 3. wisdom teeth should always be removed, it is better immediately when they occur
Third molars or eights are no different from the usual teeth, not to interfere with chewing food and generally does not manifest itself. But unfortunately, quite common pathology of wisdom teeth, which is why have to take certain measures. If the tooth was cut properly, no pressure and shifts the adjacent teeth, does not interfere with chewing food, they can be used in the same way as all the other teeth.
Yet there are pathologies in which wisdom tooth removal is necessary. In total there are three kinds of them.
Improper positioning relative to the entire dentition. Since such eights can cause damage to other teeth, the doctor almost always recommends their removal. They may make forward or backward relative to other teeth or even to turn around its axis.
Hidden in soft or jawbone teeth. Retention is total or partial, that is, the tooth can not fully erupt or remain in a latent state, and too lean back or forward. It is dangerous that can develop when cutting perikoronorit - inflammation of the gums due to the accumulation of bacteria.
Mixed pathology
This combination of dystopia and retention. The tooth can be placed at an angle to the rest of the teeth, lie flat or even roll over "upside down" - his crown will be at the bottom, and the root - at the top. This is the most complicated cases, which may provoke various kinds of purulent inflammatory processes, abscesses, osteomyelitis, and phlegmon.
In all of these cases will have to remove a wisdom tooth.
Myth 4. Removal of wisdom teeth - it is always a long, painful and frightening
The method of removing a tooth doctor chooses, depending on what problem you have addressed to him. In the modern dentistry always provide pain relief and try to minimize and painful, and your discomfort.
Eight removal does not always require complex manipulations: if the surgeon does not deal with a dystopic, impacted tooth, and not with a complex pathology, it will be enough forceps. In this case, you get a shot of anesthetic, and then the doctor will remove a wisdom tooth. It lasts from one to several minutes.
After removal of the next two hours, do not eat during the day not to drink hot and do not touch the hole language. Chew needed on the opposite side, and rinse your mouth - with extreme care. Often, after the removal of wisdom teeth is increased temperature and there is swelling, but because the doctor prescribes medication. Take prescribed them the tools, follow washing instructions, and then the unpleasant symptoms will pass in 5-7 days.
But if your Eight dystopic, impacted, and so on, it will take much more effort to get rid of it. To begin, make X-ray image, is carried out sanitation of mouth. Before removing the impacted tooth may appoint vitamins and sedatives.
Then, after anesthesia, the doctor makes an incision and put aside the soft tissues (in modern dentistry is done laser), and then drill prepares the bone to gain access to the tooth and removes it from the gum in whole or in pieces. It then returns the gingival flap in place sutures and antiinflammatory bandage.
Recovery takes about two weeks. Doctor prescribes a technique of vitamins, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs to reduce swelling, pain and temperature sensations. You also need to follow the simple rules:
- half an hour does not remove the bandage;
- not eat three hours after the operation;
- apply cold compresses for 1-2 days;
- abandon the hard, sharp and hot food during healing;
- refuse to exercise, swimming pool and sauna;
- chew the food on the other side of the mouth.
Myth 5. Wisdom teeth never treat - once removed
Eight is not always necessary to remove immediately. They are quite treatable, and if the tooth is normal, does not hurt you and not harm adjacent teeth, then it can be saved. While it is important to understand that these teeth are more susceptible to cariesBecause it is located in the back of the jaw and efficiently clean them is much more difficult than the other teeth. Sometimes brush simply can not squeeze into the narrow space. Also, if the tooth part remained under the gum, the gum is formed by a hood, which lists the food particles that strengthens tooth decay.
Another feature of wisdom teeth - often caries on them for a long time does not makes itself felt, and if you do not go to the doctor for preventive inspection every six months, then it can miss the onset of disease and detect it at the time when she had turned into a deep caries or pulpitis.
However, if the tooth was cut without pathologies and dental caries is detected early, the dentist may very well save and eight. As it is done in the event that the wisdom tooth is used for prosthetics.
The reasons for the removal of the affected tooth caries wisdom may be several:
- tooth is badly damaged and at the same time is so far away and inconvenient, that carry quality treatment is very difficult;
- high risk of secondary caries;
- Eight differ greatly crooked channels, which makes it extremely difficult endodontic treatment;
- the absence of antagonist tooth, ie the tooth, which is located on what struck by caries. If the antagonist tooth not, chewing load is distributed unevenly.
To sum up the results summary.
- Although the wisdom teeth are actually a vestige, they may be cut without problems. However, they does not differ from the rest of the teeth.
- Their eruption is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and if the pain is too strong, the temperature rises, there is a release of blood and pus, it is best to consult a doctor.
- Eight remove need for morbid eruption: dystopic, impacted, or if there is a mixed pathology.
- Depending on the complexity of the case of the dental surgeon will select the appropriate method for the removal of wisdom teeth. After which should follow doctor's advice and take medicine prescribed to them - then the rehabilitation period will pass quicker and less frustrating.
- But it is not always necessary to remove wisdom teeth: if they do not interfere with anything and erupted normally, they may well be treated. Although the Group of Eight are more prone to tooth decay and to them he often appears secondary.
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