What you need to know about caries those who have teeth
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Caries - one of the most common diseases in the world. according to statistics,Dental Caries (Tooth Decay) in Adults (Age 20 to 64) US National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, cavities in teeth are 92% of adults.
On average, for each adult Americans have completely disrupted 3.28 and 13.65 dental caries affected in one way or another.
Statistics terrifying. Especially when you consider that on the whole is quite easy to prevent tooth decay.
What is tooth decay
From Latin caries translates quite clear - "rot", "destruction". So we call a disease in which the solid collapses white tooth tissue and a cavity, that is a hole. Gradually, the cavity increases in size, and if you do not stop this growth, destroys the tooth. About companions 'pleasures' such as severe pain or infection until blood poisoning modestly keep silent.
The feature of this whole sad story is that the tooth enamel - the solid tissue in the human body. It is many times stronger than bone. The doctors could not understand how such a strong fabric is destroyed. Even put forward the theory of the existence of a "tooth worm", which is put in the mouth and gnaws holes in the teeth.
Only in the twentieth century, it became clear that it was not in the mechanics (no teeth "gnaws", of course), and in chemistry. Incredibly resistant to mechanical stress teeth easily corrosive effects of acids. Here's how.
Where does tooth decay
To understand, first we must look at the structure of the tooth. Here he is.
The basis of the tooth - dentin, a substance composition resembling normal bone. Above - protects the dentin enamel. She looks like a stone, and from a chemical point of view, too. In fact, the enamel - is a mineral salt, modified magnesium, fluorine, carbon and other elements. These salts are impregnated and dentine, but in somewhat smaller amount.
Grow teeth somewhere outside of the body, thanks to the mineral "stone" enamel they would be invincible. But they grow in the mouth, which made putting food. Where food - there bacteria, wherein the bacteria - there acids which are reacted with mineral salts and soften them. Mayo Clinic Research Center experts describeCavities / tooth decay appearance because of caries.
1. Formed dental plaque
Plaque - a thin adhesive film which remains on the teeth after eating. If it is not time to clean, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth, this film are beginning to breed bacteria - Streptococcus mutans.
The situation is aggravated if the plaque is not removed for a long time: in this case, it can turn into tartar, which becomes a kind of "shield" for prigrevshihsya enamel bacteria.
Metabolism Streptococcus mutans has a peculiar feature: absorbing glucose, they release lactic acid. If you are not too carefully brush your teeth, and at the same time have a sweet tooth, bacteria become much emissions of acid - even more.
2. Microcracks appear and holes
Generous dose acids dissolve the mineral salts in the tooth enamel. This leads to the formation of tiny cracks or holes on the tooth surface. If the effect of the acids continues damage become deeper and slowly reach dentine, which is protected far worse than the enamel. The destruction is accelerating, a hole in the tooth becomes apparent.
3. The destruction continues
With the development of caries bacteria and emissions of acid continues its way through the dental tissue and achieve pulp - soft connective tissue in the tooth cavity, which houses blood vessels and nerve end. The pulp becomes inflamed, swells and as the inside of the tooth is no room for expansion, are beginning to squeeze in her nerves. So in addition to the hole and inflammation of acute pain appears.
As it is formed caries in children
Children susceptible to caries more than adults. This stems from the more delicate and immature enamel on primary teeth. But there is a more important factor - the same bacteria.
Kids are born without Streptococcus mutans in the mouth. children are infectedParent Fact Sheet on Caries Bacteria parents, passing the bacteria with saliva. For example, when a mother feeds the baby with a spoon, you just licked herself.
Informed mouth microbes trigger caries formation process even before the child appeared first teeth.
Therefore, pediatricians urge parents not to "share" with saliva.
There is another nuance - heredity. In the mouth, some people microbes feel more comfortable than others. The latter, for example, can have a lot of sweet and does not suffer from caries. And at first, even a couple of chocolate a day can have a major disruptive effect on the teeth.
For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics urgesOral Health Dentists interested in the state of teeth in young parents. If Mom and Dad suffer from tooth decay, probably in danger and baby. So, it is necessary to pay more attention to children's Zubkov.
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How to prevent tooth decay in children and adults
Understanding the factors that influence the formation of destructive acids, can make a list of preventive measures. Here's what to do to reduce the risk of tooth decay.
1. Keep track of what you eat
There are foods that are particularly active cling to the teeth, making them a breeding ground for bacteria. This, for example, milk, honey, ice cream, dried fruit, biscuits, pastries, hard candy and mints, sweet fizzy drinks. They are difficult to wash off saliva.
Therefore, it is desirable or even refuse such food, or use it only when you are sure you will be able to brush your teeth after, or at least rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
2. Do not abuse snacks
The habit of endlessly something to chew or sip soda feeds live in your mouth bacteria. So, you create a permanent "acid bath" for the teeth.
This also applies to children: make sure that they could not compete sweets during the day. And if we are talking about kids, do not leave them to fall asleep in an embrace with a bottle of milk, mix, juice, juice or compote. Salivation during sleep is inhibited, and the drinks are on the gums and teeth for a long time.
3. Brush thoroughly
To effectively remove plaque, brush need to work at leastThe Effect of Brushing Time and Dentifrice on Dental Plaque Removal in vivo 2 minutes. And, of course, follow the cleaning technique. How to brush your teeth, have Layfhaker I told.
4. Choose toothpaste with a fluorine content of adequate
Fluoride enhances enamel mineral and destroys bacteria population. The optimum content of fluorides in toothpaste - 1 350-1 500 ppm. Look for this value in the packaging or tube.
5. Avoid dry mouth
Saliva washes away food debris and bacteria. In addition, it contains substances that neutralize secreted acid microbes. If little saliva, tooth decay becomes almost inevitable.
To maintain salivation, drink enough fluids. Especially if you are pregnant, do manual work or taking medications that affect salivation. There is doubt - consult your physician.
6. Check the condition of the seals
Over the years, the seal broken, and their rough edges formed difficult of dental plaque - it is difficult to wash or scrub brush saliva. Seal, which began to crumble, you must upgrade to the dentist.
7. Consult your doctor if you have heartburn
Heartburn - a situation in which part of the gastric juice for one reason or another into the esophagus. Hence its accompanying burning sensation. But acid and can reach the mouth, helping bacteria existing in tooth decay.
If you regularly suffer from heartburn, look for and eliminate the causes together with the therapist.
8. Avoid eating disorders
Anorexia bulimia and - a direct path to accelerated erosion of tooth enamel.
9. Visit your dentist regularly
Caries develops gradually in the initial stage may be almost imperceptible. The specialist will be able to detect it in time and, if necessary, prescribe treatments that will stop the destruction of tooth enamel. Ideal to go and see a dentist at least once or twice a year.
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How to treat tooth decay
It depends on the extent to which the destruction of the teeth came in your case. The dentist will conduct inspection and the results will offer you one of the following procedures:
1. fluoride treatment
Professional treatment of tooth preparation with fluoride can help if you have any cavities at an early stage. Such means make the enamel more resistant to the acid environment, as well as slow down the proliferation of bacteria.
Perhaps you will register as a regular mouthwash fluorinated fluids.
2. sealing
During this procedure the dentist to begin with remove the affected tooth caries tissue, cleans teeth from bacteria, and then close the hole filling material. This procedure applies in cases where tooth decay has affected only a small part of the tooth.
3. Installing crown
If tooth decay has destroyed a large part of the tooth, filling does not help. The dentist will remove all the damage and if the tooth root and at least a small part of it still intact, setting him on the crown. So called specially selected coating which replaces the destruction of tooth enamel.
4. Tooth extraction and implant placement
Sometimes the teeth are destroyed so much that they no longer cling to the crown on that. In this case, they are removed.
Due to the loss of a "friend" other teeth may move. Therefore, as far as possible to the place you need to install the remote tooth implant - an artificial construction that replaces the root of a lost tooth. Later on it can be attached to the crown and restore the tooth row.
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