Why do people have different blood group and what it affect
Health / / December 19, 2019
Why blood is divided into groups
Blood consists of plasma and cells floating in it - erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. In the shell there are several hundreds of erythrocyte antigens - glycoproteins or glycolipids, which can be determined by genetics. For ABO antigen system have two meanings: A and B. It is for their presence or absence is determined by blood group.
- blood group A (II) - red blood cells produce only the antigen A.
- blood group B (III) - is produced only antigen B.
- Blood group O (I) - no A- or B-antigens.
- Blood group AB (IV) - there are A- and B-antigens.
Also, depending on the blood group antibody may be alpha in the plasma (anti-A) and beta (anti-B). This protein compounds that react to foreign antigens, and can elicit an immune response.
- Blood group A (II) - in the serum has anti-B antibodies.
- blood group B (III) - serum antibodies have anti-A.
- Blood group O (I) - and there are anti-A and anti-B.
- Blood group AB (IV) - no anti-A nor anti-B.
Why blood is important for transfusion
If you pour a person with blood group A Blood group B, its anti-B antibodies in the serum will react to antigens blood will stick togetherBlood Groups and Red Cell Antigens with them and precipitate - agglutinated. As a result of vascular occlusion and death may occur.
That is why when choosing a donor always take into account the blood group.
- If a person's blood group A, it is possible to pour the groups A and O.
- If a person's blood group B, you can pour B and O.
- If the blood group AB can transfuse any blood. No antibodies - no problem.
- People with group O blood can be transfused only G. But they can be a donor for any group, because they have no antigens, and therefore, against this blood will not fight either alpha or beta antibodies.
However, transfusion of blood into account not only the group but also the Rh factor.
What is Rh factor
Rh factor - a proteinRh factor blood test D-antigen on the erythrocyte surface. If you have this protein, Rh positive (Rh +), if not - is negative (Rh-).
If a person with Rh- blood will receive a D-antigen, the body begins to produce D-antibodies. This can cause the destruction of red blood cells. Therefore, Rh-negative blood is a suitable group can be poured to anyone, but Rh-positive - only people with Rh +. In this case, people with Rh-negative in the world is much less than with Rh-positive - about 15%.
In addition to blood transfusion with Rh- people need to take into account its exclusivity and when planning pregnancy. If a woman appears with Rh-Rh factor blood test fruit with Rh +, a little bit of his blood can enter into contact with the mother's blood, which is over the appearance of antibodies. The first pregnancy is not an issue, but in the second and subsequent, if a woman is a child with Rh +, the antibodies can pass through the placenta, damage blood cells and cause the child anemia.
How to determine blood type and Rh factor
In the laboratory analysis of blood samples with added reagents are antibodies and the alpha and beta watching the reaction.
If there is an antigen A, the red blood cells begin to stick together when to add an anti-B, and vice versa in the blood - the blood with B antigen will stick together when anti-A will add. Blood group AB does not give any response to the antibody, and blood group O react to everything.
Same with the Rh factor: the blood simply add anti-D. If the reaction is - a human Rh +, if not - Rh-.
Does the blood group affects something else
Blood group try to guess the character, pick up a diet and occupation. This is especially prevalent in Japan - there is blood group can choose an employee or partner, to buy food, and even towels.
All these classifications are on the level of horoscopes - many believe, but there is no evidence. We look at some of the relationship, having under the basis of scientific research.
blood affects the body's ability toBlood types & food allergies no problem digesting lectins - harmfulAntinutritional properties of plant lectins proteins composed of cereals and legumes, milk, seafood and eggs.
For example, lima bean extract may cause blockingHistory of lectins: from hemagglutinins to biological recognition molecules red blood cells only group A, and winged bean extract - only erythrocytes G. However, most lectins interactLectins in the United States diet: a survey of lectins in commonly consumed foods and a review of the literature all blood groups. Moreover, the collapse in the processed legumes lectinsNutritional significance of lectins and enzyme inhibitors from legumes, Red kidney bean poisoning in the UK: an analysis of 50 suspected incidents between 1976 and 1989 and do not harm people with any blood group.
Also, blood can affect the ability to digest fatty foods. People with blood groups A and AB is much lessInvolvement of intestinal alkaline phosphatase in serum apolipoprotein B-48 level and its association with ABO and secretor blood group types, Serum levels of human alkaline phosphatase isozymes in relation to blood groups[ alkaline phosphatase - enzyme required for the phosphorus metabolism and fatty acids - than the groups O and B. This may indicate a greater ability to digest the last groupAccelerated Fat Absorption in Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase Knockout Mice fatty foods.
These features are taken into account in the diet of Peter D'Adamo (Peter D'Adamo) on blood groups. However, to date, no serious studyBlood type diets lack supporting evidence: a systematic review, Theory behind popular blood-type diet debunked, ABO Genotype, 'Blood-Type' Diet and Cardiometabolic Risk FactorsProving the effectiveness of its diet.
blood may increase the risk of certain diseases.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
People with O-group 11% less at risk of coronary heart disease and generally have a reducedABO blood group and risk of coronary heart disease in two prospective cohort studies, ABO blood group and risk of coronary heart disease in two prospective cohort studies, Identification of ADAMTS7 as a novel locus for coronary atherosclerosis and association of ABO with myocardial infarction in the presence of coronary atherosclerosis: two genome-wide association studies the risk of cardiovascular disease. Compared with group O, people with group A higher risk of myocardial infarctionABO blood group and ischaemic heart disease in British men, ABO genotype and risk of thrombotic events and hemorrhagic strokeAnd people with a group - ischemic stroke and venous thrombosis.
- Blood group A (II). Increased risk of cancerABO blood group system and gastric cancer: a case-control study and meta-analysis, Risk of gastric cancer and peptic ulcers in relation to ABO blood type: a cohort study stomach infection and Helicobacter pylori - the main causative agent of stomach ulcers.
- blood group B (III). Increased risk of pancreatic cancerABO blood group and the risk of pancreatic cancer, esophagusABO blood type, diabetes and risk of gastrointestinal cancer in northern China and bile ducts.
- Blood group AB (IV). Increased risk of pancreatic cancer.
- Blood group O (I). Increased risk of skin cancerABO blood group and incidence of skin cancer, Reduced risk of cancer of the stomach and pancreas.
Scientists have found no link between colorectal cancerABO blood group and risk of colorectal cancer, Breast cancerABO blood group and breast cancer incidence and survival and blood group. But these types of cancer is strongly dependent on lifestyle.
physical indicators
blood group affects the physical characteristics: strength, power, speed and coordination. Below we look at these features and sports, in which more likely will be successful people with a certain blood group.
Blood group O (I)
People with this blood group oftenResearch on chinese students the relations between blood types, types of temperament and sports others found among elite athletes, especially athletes and fighters. they are hardyInfluence of ABO blood group on sports performance and quickly achieve success in various sports. People with blood group I predisposedRELATIONSHIP blood type, size and speed of the training effect as a factor of selection in boxing for explosive work: sprint, martial arts, weightlifting.
What to try: Athletics, sprint, martial arts, weightlifting.
Blood group A (II)
People with the second group of blood are low trainee in the martial arts, but it is making progress in technically demanding sports. A large percentage of people with blood group II foundPHENOTYPES frequency of occurrence of blood (ABO) in the populations of sportsmen as possible criteria EVALUATION OF CANDIDATE motor abilities among weightlifters and gymnasts in team sports.
What to tryWeight lifting, gymnastics, tennis, football, volleyball, hockey, basketball.
blood group B (III)
For this blood group characteristicRELATIONSHIP blood type, size and speed of the training effect as a factor of selection in boxing good speed and coordination, high traineeBulletin Issue Baltic Pedagogical Academy. 62 - 2005 - the ability to achieve great results in a short time. People with blood group III more likely to achieve success in the martial arts and other sports, which are important for speed and coordination.
What to tryBoxing and other martial arts, functional all-around.
Blood group AB (IV)
For people with blood group IV characteristicRELATIONSHIP blood type, size and speed of the training effect as a factor of selection in boxing force. Such people will approach power sports that do not need the speed of movements, such as weightlifting.
What to try: Powerlifting, strongman.
These data can be used to search for their sport, But do not perceive them as inviolable rules. There are many other factors that influence the success of, for example, the number of muscle fibers of a certain type and characteristics of the nervous system.
If you are not going to compete and build a career in the sport, you can forget about these features and be guided only by their feelings and desires.
At the amateur level, you can do any sport, regardless of blood type, to maintain health and to have fun in training.
Several studies have tried to find a link between blood group and the individual, using popular psychological tests.
An Australian studyBlood type and personality with the participation of 240 men and women found no association between the individual and the group of blood. It could not be any Canadian scientists after pollPersonality, blood type, and the Five-Factor Model 400 or US researchers after analysisBlood type and the five factors of personality in Asia Data more than 2.5 thousands of Taiwanese students.
Even Japanese scientists have foundNo relationship between blood type and personality: Evidence from large-scale surveys in Japan and the USThat the relationship between the individual and the blood is less than 0.3%. Thus, there is serious reason to believe that the blood in some way affects the character.
- blood group and Rh factor are important for blood transfusions. If the blood group does not match, can begin agglutination - clumping of red blood cells.
- Blood type has some influence on the digestion, but a diet of blood groups are not proven to be effective.
- blood group affects the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, but not a determining factor in the occurrence of these diseases.
- Blood does not affect the character and does not define a person.
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