Why sore left side and what to do
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Just say: pain in the left side - a thing common and usually safe. However, you should not leave it unattended. Sometimes even a slight discomfort on the left side may be a signal of serious diseases.
When it is necessary to call an ambulance
Immediately call an ambulance if15 possible causes of abdominal pain:
- Sharp or dull pain on the left side of the chest gives the left armSymptoms. Heart attack, Shoulder and jaw.
- Perceived pain accompanied by a rise in temperature up to 38,8 ° C and higher.
- Sudden sharp pain is concentrated at one point and does not stop a few minutes longer.
- Much stomach ache (both left and at any other point), and the relief comes only when lying motionless on his back.
- Pain does not subside with time, and it seems even strengthened.
- She is accompanied by vomiting. The situation is particularly threatening, if the contents of the stomach to eat blood.
- The pain is sharp, it is impossible to urinate.
- Stool black or streaked with blood.
- Abdomen tense, even the lightest touch painful to him.
- Abdomen - a strong pulling or stabbing pain, and while you are pregnant or do not exclude this.
- Shortly before the attack of severe pain was a blow in the stomach or in the ribs.
When it is necessary to quickly go to the doctor
Plan a visit to a therapist in the near future, ifAbdominal pain:
- Pain in the left side is negligible, but worries regularly, giving itself felt a week or longer.
- Sensible pain that comes and goes, and this state lasts longer than 1-2 days, or is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, or becomes painful.
- Drawing in the left part of the abdomen accompanied by poor appetite, diarrheaWhich lasts longer than a couple of days, or (option for women), bleeding from the vagina.
- In addition to discomfort in his left side, you notice that you are losing weight for no apparent reason.
Why sore left side
Replies dozens. Can hurt the stomach, spleen, pancreas, small and large intestine, as well as the left lung and kidney, bladder, uterus and ovaries in women.
Another story - the heart, which is offset to the left: malfunctions often manifest themselves reflected pain in the left side of the torso.
However, the discomfort is not always indicate disease. Here are the most common causes of pain in the left side - as belly15 possible causes of abdominal painAnd in podrobernoy part.
1. flatulence
When the food we have eaten and digested in the stomach and enters the small intestine, for its splitting bacteria are taken. In operation, they emit carbon dioxide and other gases. If the gas in the intestine too much pressure rises. Lots gut expands, putting pressure on placed around her nerve endings. This causes bloating and pain.
What to do
To begin with - to find out the cause flatulence. Most often it is simple: you overeat, lean on fatty foods or, for example, eating too fast, swallowing air. Try to review the diet and eating habits:
- Eat slowly;
- prozhovyvayte food thoroughly;
- Avoid foods that increase flatulence - semi-finished products, fast food, cabbage, carrots and so on.
If the bloating worries you regularly consult a gastroenterologist. Perhaps the problem is in the intestinal microflora: you live bacteria that produce gas too active. In this case, the doctor will prescribe probiotics, which help normalize the microflora.
2. Constipation
The absence of a chair can cause discomfort and sometimes pain in the gut. CauseConstipation typically fiber shortage or liquid.
What to do
Drink more water and eat foods that contain fiber, for example, leafy vegetables, whole wheat bread, bran, legumes, fruits, hard. You can take a laxative, in consultation with the therapist.
If constipation becomes regular, talk about them with your doctor - the same therapist, gastroenterologist or nutritionist. Most likely, you are prompted to review the diet.
3. Strong physical activity
You went over quickly or too vigorously jumping, sailing and so on. Fiznagruzki increases blood flow. If it is excessive, the blood fills the spleen. The organ enlarges and begins to put pressure on their own shell capsule, which has nerve endings. So there is the famous "stabs in my left side."
By the way, not least the famous "stabs in the right side" has similar reasons, only blood overflows liver.
What to do
To get rid of the pain in his side caused fiznagruzki, just enough to slow down and wait until the breath will not be smooth.
For the future: Do not start without an active training workout. Try to keep a comfortable pace and does not require superhuman efforts of the organism.
4. Muscle aches
You can play an active twist in training and overdone. Maybe, sat in a draft. Or maybe you have a bad posture, stress or an autoimmune disease. In myalgiaMuscle Pain: Possible Causes, That is, muscle pain, dozens of reasons.
What to do
If there was a pain after exercise or in the side, for example, after you're sweaty, sat under the air conditioner, it can be easy to endure. In order to alleviate the condition, take non-prescription pain reliever, such as ibuprofen.
But if discomfort persists for 3-4 days, amplified, or if you have no idea about their causes, be sure to look to the therapist. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
5. Injury
For example, slipped and fell on his left side. Or you punched in the stomach or in the ribs.
What to do
Maybe you just got off easy injury. Such injuries, though cause discomfort, but quickly heal on their own.
But if you feel after hitting severe acute pain, weakness, ringing in the ears, or suspect that there may be a broken rib, call an ambulance immediately. Or go to the emergency room if it is nearby.
6. periods
During menstruation or in front of them can hurt the lower abdomen. Including in the left-hand side, at times giving back.
What to do
menstrual pain though unpleasant, but not dangerous. It can be easy to endure. Or take non-prescription pain reliever - the same ibuprofen.
Does not help? Yes, unfortunately, it happens too. Refer to the gynecologist: the doctor will choose the stronger painkillers or prescribe hormonal oral contraceptives that reduce the discomfort.
7. Endometriosis or ovarian cysts
These diseases can be recognized by pulling pain in the pelvic area - both left and right. Feeling like menstrual cramps, but can occur at any time. Menses is lengthened in such disorders and become more painful.
What to do
If there is the slightest suspicion of the reproductive system diseases, pass examination by a gynecologist.
Important time to make a correct diagnosis, sometimes it affects lives. For example, a large gap ovarian cysts can cause uterine bleeding and death from loss of blood. Do not take chances.
8. Ectopic pregnancy
ABOUT ectopic pregnancy say when a fertilized egg attachesEctopic Pregnancy not to the uterus and a fallopian tube, cervical, ovarian, or another place within the abdominal cavity. Sooner or later the growing embryo breaks the body to which attached. This can lead to heavy bleeding and peritonitis, including fatal.
What to do
If you are pregnant or suspect it is, then any sharp pain in the lower abdomen, especially if it is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, bloody discharge, and does not pass for a few minutes, - an unambiguous cause for the call ambulance.
9. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa
Many possible causes of inflammation. Here are the most common:
- Viral or bacterial infections. They can be obtained by eating anything expired or, for example, glotnuv dirty water.
- Food and alcoholic poisoning.
- reception antibioticsEspecially if you bought them without the consent of the attending physician. Reminder: do not do it!
- Parasites. Those worms, worms.
- Various gastro-intestinal tract - gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, hepatitis.
Inflammation of the bowel in addition to pain accompanied by nausea, prolonged diarrhea or constipation, abdominal distention, fever.
What to do
Refer to a gastroenterologist. Treatment depends on the diagnosis, which can supply only by a qualified physician. In some cases - such as when rotavirus (aka - intestinal flu) - enough to lie down and keep drinking regime. Other situations require reception of antibiotics or other drugs.
10. You have stones or other kidney disease
Urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other renal disorders manifest themselves sudden excruciating pain in the lower abdomen. This clearly gives pain in the lower back and is strengthened, then weakened.
What to do
If you suspect a problem with kidneys, Do not delay a visit to the nephrologist. Medic accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medication. In some cases, you will need surgery, and in your best interest to spend it quickly.
11. Pneumonia or pleurisy
Pneumonia - an inflammation of the lungs and pleurisy - inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the lungs. Most often, these diseasesUpper Left Abdominal Pain caused by bacteria or viruses.
Recognize the lung damage is easy: acute chest pain occurs when deep breathing or coughing. Additional symptoms: fever, weakness, chills, difficulty in order to breathe.
What to do
If the temperature rises above 38 ° C, you find it difficult and painful to breathe, you constantly cough - an urgent need to call a doctor at home. In other cases, you can reach your own therapist.
12. Appendicitis
In most cases, the inflammation of the appendix makes itself felt pain the right side. However, sometimes there is pain in the upper leftAcute Appendicitis Presenting as Unusual Left Upper Quadrant Pain abdomen.
What to do
If the causes dull pain left you do not know, but you notice bloating, loss of appetite, fever - must as soon as possible consult a physician.
Immediately call an ambulance, if added to other symptoms:
- increasing pain;
- vomiting;
- severe weakness, cold clammy sweat;
- heart palpitations.
They can testify that appendicitis I moved into an acute form, ie appendix burst. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.
13. abdominal aortic aneurysm
Aorta - the main blood vessel in the abdomen, which goes down from the heart. When it grows and swells, it is calledAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm aneurysm. This happens mainly in older people, especially in smokers.
faith Seryozhin
Senior physician, medical expert laboratory personalized medicine "LabKvest".
As a rule, the aneurysm does not have any obvious symptoms. But sometimes the pain is felt when a vessel squeezes advanced internal organs. If the aneurysm rupture happens, a person can die from internal bleeding.
What to do
At home, identify aortic aneurysm is almost impossible, the diagnosis is established only by means of computer tomography. Therefore, if you regularly feel a dull ache in the abdomen (not so important, the left or right), and especially if it is accompanied by a surge, go to the therapist. The doctor will refer you to the necessary tests.
At rupture of the aorta person feels a sudden severe pain in the abdomen or the back-side. Immediately after that, there is a collapse - a life-threatening condition where the pressure drops and worsens circulatory supply of organs. In this case, you need to call an ambulance, without losing a second.
14. diverticulitis
diverticulaDiverticulitis - It looks like a small pouches bulge in the lower part of the colon. They are found in many people older than 40 years and often do not bother.
But sometimes diverticula become inflamed - this process is called diverticulitis. And in some cases, may break, which entails serious complications: perforation of the intestinal wall, abscess, peritonitis, ileus ...
What to do
If you experience unexplained pain in the left lower abdomen, especially if accompanied by fever, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, be sure to check to gastroenterologist. If diverticulitis is confirmed, you will be assigned antibiotics and pain medication. surgery may be required in some cases.
15. Problems with heart
Pain - sharp or dull - on the left side and can cause a variety of cardiac disordersFrom angina to heart attack.
What to do
If you are regularly disturbed by pain in the left upper quadrant radiating to the shoulder or arm, in any case, do not leave them unattended. Be sure to consult with a physician at least once or refer to a cardiologist.
A sharp pain in the left upper quadrant, accompanied by weakness, breathing problems, abdominal pain, arrhythmia - an unambiguous indication for immediate emergency call. We can talk about myocardial, And then every second counts.
16. One of the types of cancer
Unfortunately, cancer intestines, stomach, pancreas in the early stages hardly make themselves felt. They can be seen except by some discomfort in the abdomen, a slight symptoms of digestive disorders, unexplained weight loss.
What to do
Be alert to any strange feeling in the left side (however, not only on the left). If they become regular, you should consult with a physician or a gastroenterologist and walk all the appointed inspection by them.
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