How to publish the book and stay in the black
Miscellaneous / / December 19, 2019
Books written over the years are in the table, his head rusting great ideas for new works. So it is difficult to take the manuscript and send it to the publisher. Which publisher choose? To send it? And suddenly will not accept? Suddenly require to make changes? Stolen? Will have to pay for the publication?
Do you want to publish a book, but without the pressure editor, investment and running around to various publishers? There is a tool that makes the drafts in the works: a virtual publishing Bookscriptor.
Published Books
In order to sell a book, you need to go to the publisher and print it . And if my work will not take?
Yes, print is not easy in the traditional publishing houses. The most difficult stage - find one that agrees to the release of your book. Your manuscript is one of hundreds who came to the publisher for the month. There is no guarantee that it will notice. According to statistics, in the classic publishing houses published not more than 3% coming into their manuscripts.
Often it also happens that the editor can read an excellent book, but unsuitable for the general public. That is, the book does not pay off, because the costs of its printing and searching the reader will be too large.
Is it possible to prepare the book for publication and publish it yourself?
Yes, you can. Look for tools that will make all their own. They are few, but they exist. For example, this gives a chance to a virtual publishing Bookscriptor - a project of the publishing house "Literary Study".
Imagine that you can prepare the book for publication exclusively on its own. Self-impose and execute the work. Assign a price. Put up for sale in electronic form on the website or print any amount of paper, up to one instance. Without strict requirements and risks. It Bookscriptor.
How is it - to impose the book? I did nothing about it I do not know
We do not believe that man is capable of writing a book, it will not be able to master the simple program. In Bookscriptor have a visual editor. This section of the site, where you can turn plain text into a complete book. Something like the usual all MS Word, but with additional features. Works is simple: upload text, specify the name and author, get a book. Stay insert illustrations and correct vorstku. It's very simple, really.
And the editor will make changes?
No one can not be undone. Bookscriptor - a platform for self-training and placement for publication of your works. You and only you decide what and how to write and publish the book will look like after the layout and what her readers will see.
If you doubt (this feature will be available soon on Bookscriptor) as its text or spelling, hire for a nominal fee a professional editor and proofreader. Or you can find the beta readers among your friends or collect fidbek from the first readers and make changes to the book on the fly.
How much does it cost?
In April, as long as the action "publish a book for 0 rubles," it does not worth it. But at any other time of the book published in Bookscriptor virtual publishing house will cost 300 rubles.
How much will it cost my book?
In contrast to the usual publication in publishing, working with Bookscriptor price you are installing only. How to define it?
Think about what your audience is and how much it is willing to pay you for reading. Look at the cost of the works of your colleagues in the genre. Focus on that, and not only on the subjective assessment of labor.
Books are sold at a low cost quickly. Align the work at a symbolic price (or even free) - it will scatter among the readers, you earn a reputation and, perhaps, an army of fans. Expose on high - gain more profit with fewer sales.
And if the book is still to be printed?
The publishing industry is the concept of "break-even point." For each book calculated number of copies needed, after the sale of which edition pays off and starts to make profit. In the classic publishing and printing at least - from 2 to 5 thousand copies. Less typing unprofitable.
In the case of virtual publishing Bookscriptor break-even point - one copy. Book at the same time will cost about 200 rubles. Some notebooks are worth more.
Why so cheap?
Bookscriptor offers the service of print-on-demand - Print on Demand. Its meaning is that you do not order the largest circulation (which still have to somehow sell), but only as hard copies as you want. Up to one instance. For themselves or close friend. Printing is done on a special machine that is different from those used in printing. In this case, the finished book in quality quite different from printing.
How much do I earn?
In the conventional publishing fee agreement size is set, it may vary depending on the number of sales. Do not look at the price of the book on the shelf! It consists of the margins of the seller, logistics and publishing costs of preparing, printing and promotion. The share of royalties the author in this scheme is very small, especially for aspiring writers. In addition, a fee is paid with a delay of about six months - these are the features of the business.
books on arithmetic Bookscriptor profit is quite different when the electronic publication. Your profit from each electronic copy will be equal to the book value minus the symbolic Commission Bookscriptor (30%). At the output is significantly higher than in traditional publishing arrangements.
How to market my book?
It offers the entire Internet.
Rassharivat information about the release of the book in the social networks, collect them in your audience, and listen to what they say your readers. Learn to handle criticism and to adopt good advice.
Great to create around himself a community that will be there, not only because of the books. Active Twitter readers or blog - your future book audience. Try to win their sympathy.
Get support from professionals, especially those who have been able to succeed in your field, or among your audience. Let them become the first readers, and you'll get their reviews even before the book was published.
They can steal my book?
Authors Bookscriptor protected by no less than traditional publishers.
Firstly, all copyrights remain with you. This includes all commercial distribution rights, which are often in the hands of publishers.
Second, e-books are only available in Bookscriptor space. They can not be downloaded and copied.
What's next?
Once you've gotten first ruble from the sale of books, you become a professional writer. Our congratulations.
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Way to success
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70% from each copy sold
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Published Books