“Conflictology in pedagogical relations” - course 16,000 rubles. from MSU, training 6 weeks. (1.5 months), Date: December 7, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
The course is aimed at developing analytical thinking, the ability to holistically perceive conflict situations in social and pedagogical processes, rely on the synthesis of knowledge in resolving conflict relationships in various lines of pedagogical interactions.
During the training process, students will become familiar with the essence and nature of conflict pedagogical relationships, the conditions for the formation of adequate behavioral basis of the activities of higher school teachers in conflict relationships, features of interaction in pedagogical and educational teams.
As a result of the training, students will be able to conduct socio-psychological diagnostics of relationships in teaching practice, create conditions for effective professional work in teaching teams of faculties and departments, try on methods and methods of negotiating in a conflict situation, educate students have a high culture of communication and activity, will master the system of professional and personal reflection developed during classes, methods of self-regulation of behavior in conflict situations.
To achieve this goal, the following main tasks are solved:
1. Mastering conceptual tools for diagnosing and analyzing conflict situations;
2. Familiarization with possible options for designing conflict interaction in the pedagogical process;
3. Modeling and planning constructive outcomes of conflict situations in pedagogical process leading to the progressive development of individual or group subjects of pedagogical activities;
4.Formation of psychological stability in conflict relationships (tolerance) as the most important component of professional training of a teacher.
Admission Requirements
Availability of higher education
Dean's Office of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Opening hours: Monday to Friday (from 12.00 to 18.00)
Tel.: +7 (495) 939-32-81
Fax: +7 (495) 939-32-81
+7 495 939 12 89
Reception room of the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov [email protected]
The educational part of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov [email protected]
Russia, city Moscow, st. Leninskie Gory, d. 1, p. 52 cables 332 (2nd educational building)