“Innovative technologies for organizing the activities of hotel and tourist complexes” - course 116,000 rubles. from MSU, training 36 weeks. (9 months), Date: December 6, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
The program is aimed at students with higher education and experience working in enterprises in the tourism and hospitality industry. The program is aimed at developing practical knowledge and analytical skills in students, necessary to improve the efficiency of enterprise management, development and implementation of its strategy development
Scope of the program (academic hours)
Total - 502
Classroom - 502
The goal of the program is comprehensive training of effective directors and managers of hotel complexes.
As a result of mastering the program, the student acquires the following professional skills, knowledge and abilities:
- knowledge of the modern regulatory framework for the functioning of hotels and other accommodation facilities;
- the ability to determine the strategy and tactics of hotel activities, find and evaluate new market opportunities, formulate business ideas, develop and implement projects to increase the competitiveness of the hotel complex, using methods revenue management;
- knowledge of methods for effective sales of basic and additional services of hotel complexes, choosing low-cost and effective distribution channels, using e-commerce mechanisms
- knowledge of methods of management, control and evaluation of the effectiveness of the current activities of employees of services, divisions and departments of the hotel complex, including the restaurant complex;
- the ability to develop a loyalty system for working with guests, to be able to interact with various categories of guests, to use CRM systems in the activities of the hotel complex;
- knowledge of methods for effective sales of basic and additional services of hotel complexes, choosing low-cost and effective distribution channels, using e-commerce mechanisms;
- ability to use crypto technologies for the hospitality industry: blockchain, smart contracts, ICO, DAO, etc.
Our teachers are employees of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism of Moscow State University, the Russian Hotel Association, Russian Union of Tourism Industry, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Research Institute certification, Moscow, general directors of hotel enterprises and hotel management companies, representatives of GSD and ASD companies, leading marketers and heads of sales departments.
The following on-site events and master classes are planned during the orientation sessions:
1. Acquaintance with the activities of a small hotel, city hotels, country hotels;
2. Interaction between the hotel and travel companies;
3. Interaction of the hotel with reservation centers and e-commerce;
4. Organization of affiliate programs.
Category of listeners
Hotel business owners, managers of hotel enterprises
Admission Requirements
higher professional education
List of disciplines
1. Current state and prospects for the development of the hotel industry in the Russian Federation.
2. Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of hotel enterprises and similar accommodation facilities in the Russian Federation.
3. Standardization and certification of hotel services and other accommodation facilities.
4. Classification of hotel enterprises: domestic and world experience.
5. Organization of technological processes in the hotel complex.
6. Catering service of a hotel enterprise. Methods for effective service management.
7. Business processes and operational efficiency of the hotel complex, KPI.
8. Economics and taxation of hotels and similar accommodation facilities. Budgeting P&L. USALI Standards.
9. Strategic management.
10. Marketing and effective sales of basic and additional services of hotel complexes. Effective PR tools for hotel businesses.
11. Information technologies in the hotel business: CRM systems, global and alternative distribution systems, E-commerce (Electronic commerce) in a modern hotel.
12. Crypto technologies for the hospitality industry: blockchain, smart contracts, ICO, DAO, etc.
13. Personnel management of hotel enterprises and other accommodation facilities.
14. Quality control.
15. Security of hotel complexes.
16. Design of hotel enterprises and other accommodation facilities.
Final certification – defense of the final qualifying work.
119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Geology