Preparation course for the Unified State Exam in social studies, grade 11 - free course from Foxford, training 60 lessons, date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
With expert support
Manual checking of homework and samples by an Unified State Exam expert who will evaluate the work just like in the exam
Cooking from scratch
The course is suitable for students with any level of knowledge: both beginners and those who have already begun to prepare
We manually check samples and homework
We do not leave the written part of tasks for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
The lesson lasts 2 academic hours. Classes are held online on Mondays and Fridays from 20:00 to 22:00 (Moscow time)
Social studies teacher. Highest qualification category. Member of the municipal and regional jury of the All-Russian Secondary School for Social Studies.
Social studies teacher. Highest qualification category.
Laureate of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year" 2020
Winner of the All-Russian competition Teacher of the Future 2021
Author-compiler and director of social studies programs at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Regional Center for Identification and Support of Gifted Children “Intelligence” of the Leningrad Region.
Member of the municipal and regional jury of the All-Russian Secondary School for Social Studies.
Member of the Association of Young Teachers of Leningrad Region, co-chairman.
Participation in conferences:
1. International scientific and practical conference “Personality. Society. Education", in different years he was a participant and speaker
2. XXII Tsarskoye Selo Readings: International Scientific and Practical Conference April 23-24, 2018, speaker
Human and society
The section is devoted to the basic and broadest questions of social science: what is a person, what is society, what is the spiritual life of a person, what is the meaning of human existence, and so on.
- Man, individuality, personality
- Nature and society
- Society as a complex dynamic system
- Cognition and activity
- The spiritual sphere of social life
Social relations
The section studies social relations: personality formation, interaction between people, socialization, stratification, social groups and other topics.
- Socialization of the individual, roles and statuses
- Norms and values
- Social groups
- Theories of stratification, mobility
- Social conflicts
Political sphere
The section covers political relations and issues of managing society.
- Politics and power, political system
- Parties, electoral systems
- The state and its functions, ideology
- Forms and types of government
- Political process, rule of law
Legal relations
The section describes various branches of law and their application to the life of a citizen in society.
- Branches of law
- Offense and its types
- Rules of law
- Constitution of the Russian Federation
- International law
The section is devoted to economic theory and its basic concepts and problems from the point of view of social science.
- Economic theories
- Microeconomics and macroeconomics
- Structure and factors of production
- Entrepreneurial activity
- World economy
07.10.2022 G.
Excellent course and teacher in social studies
Advantages: They provide necessary and useful information for the Unified State Exam, many tasks for practice. Disadvantages: Haven’t discovered it yet. Came to Ivan Ivanovich George’s course with absolutely zero knowledge of social studies. All I knew was the definition of society, and even then without much detail. At the first test in 11th grade, I didn’t even cross the threshold (So my parents and I looked for tutors or courses. On recommendation...
A package of 5 additional trial versions of the Unified State Exam with verification by a curator. 🔥 Created for those who feel unsure when solving a full version of literature and want additional practice solving the tasks of the difficult part of the exam, work out all the subtleties of the design and ask questions about problem solving. 🔥 For three months, from March to May, you will be accompanied by a personal subject curator. Every two weeks you will have a new sample, which you solve, send to the curator, and then receive a full review and detailed feedback. 🔥 Practice solving sample problems, ask questions, analyze assignments and go to success on the Unified State Exam!
for free