Why accounting personal finance is much more effective self-restraint
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
The reason for our achievements in life is more control and understanding of their behavior. Daily accounting personal finance help track what and why you are spending your money, and as a result change the approach to spending.
David Kane
Canadian writer and entrepreneur, creator Raptitude blog.
I want to give you one piece of advice that will help you save a lot of money and get rid of anxiety about the financial situation.
It is simple and requires no special skills. You need only a few minutes a day, as well as an alarm clock or sticker in a prominent place, which will serve you as a reminder.
My advice is to keep a accounting personal income and spending. Do not limit yourself on purpose. Just record received and money spent, categorize them. Once a week, check that you have everything on the list. Analyze the record at the end of the month.
Planning costs or any act of self-restraint is not as effective. A leading accounting, you are in control of their financial situation. In this case, you are not trying deliberately to spend less and earn more.
You track your habits. This will help you figure out what to leave large amounts of money, and learn from it.
For me, this advice was the most effective. I do what I want, but make sure I bring in a list of absolutely all income and expenditure. It sounds perhaps strange. But it's much better than to follow their arbitrary prohibitions and hope that this kind of torture when something works.
As is usually the case, we ask for a purpose: to save some amount of money to lose so many kilograms, spend at work so many hours. And then painfully tried not to deviate from the plan. From the beginning, we just wait, when it will be able to free themselves from the shackles of self-restraint. Such a struggle awakens in us a sense of guilt and powerlessness.
Record keeping without trying restrictions almost immediately changes our desires about anything. You can easily see that it is better to spend your money, time and effort. A huge number of expenses under the column "Clothes" certainly make you tame your inner shopaholic.
If we spend too much, skipping a workout or throw business midway, it means that we are simply not aware of the real consequences of our behavior.
"Today I" give in to temptation in the hope that "tomorrow I" fix everything.
Record keeping can be a very interesting exercise. It is funny to see to it that in life affects the numbers and these numbers recorded in the Registered affect your life.
The essence of this principle is that you will not feel obliged to do something. Understanding that it is necessary to change their habits, Will come by itself. You voluntarily give up unnecessary costs.
Remember, you are always free and those were. But for their freedom, waste of money, time and effort you are only responsible for yourself.