Preparation for the OGE in chemistry - course 4180 rubles. from Sotka, training, date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Do you want to be sure that you will pass the OGE in chemistry with the score you need?
Are you sure that the teacher at school is cooking incorrectly?
Don’t have enough knowledge now to pass the required score?
Don't know which theory to trust?
Don't know where to get a preparation plan?
Making chemistry learning as fun as watching Netflix
All training materials on one platform
All theory, practice, samples and all related material on chemistry are on our platform. Enter your login and password and gain access to the materials. Access anytime, anytime.
Work out anywhere
You don’t need to waste time and money on travel, adjust your schedule, or be afraid of being late. Just study from any convenient place where there is internet.
Chemistry homework is reviewed with an online tutor until there are no errors in the homework. We will not refuse verification after the first, second, etc. errors.
Materials for the lesson
For each lesson in online chemistry courses, we will prepare interesting and convenient workbooks that will not look boring, like white pieces of paper.
3 Blocks
Block 1. Atoms and molecules
Block 2. General chemistry
Block 3. Inorganics, beginning
4 Blocks
Block 1.Oxides
Block 2.Foundations
Block 3.Acids
Block 4.Salts
2 Blocks
Block 1.Metals
Block 2. Non-metals
3 Blocks
Block 1. Ion exchange reactions
Block 2. Redox reactions
Block 3.Qualitative reactions
2 Blocks
Block 1. Calculation problems
Block 2. Life and chemistry
4 Blocks
Block 1. Atoms and molecules
Block 2. General chemistry
Block 3. Inorganics, beginning
Block 4.Oxides
4 Blocks
Block 1.Fundamentals
Block 2.Acids
Block 3.Salts
Block 4.Metals
4 Blocks
Block 1. Non-metals
Block 2. Ion exchange reactions
Block 3. Redox reactions
Block 4. Qualitative reactions
2 Blocks
Block 1. Calculation problems
Block 2. Life and chemistry