When it comes to reading e-books, you find yourself faced with a choice: E-Ink or LCD? Kindle Paperwhite or, for example, the iPad? What's better? Try to understand.
E-Ink vs LCD: technical specifications
E-Ink (electronic paper, electronic ink) - a technology display that simulates printing on paper. It is based on a physical phenomenon - electrophoresis. The images on the electronic paper are formed by reflected light, so that no flicker and little energy is consumed (it is only required for the image change, for example, when flipping pages). The text on the electronic paper looks exactly to a tee, as usual.
Liquid crystal display (LCD, LCD) - is a flat panel display based on liquid crystals. LCDs are used to display information from computers, TV, smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. To use the imaging lumen matrix. Therefore, the LCD-displays emit light. But they have a wide range of colors and a high refresh rate. You can play games, watch videos.
That's the theory. In practice, the difference technology E-Ink and LCD mean the following:
- The sun. Devices with electronic ink is ideal for those who love both read and bask in the sun. Unlike LCDs, they do not glare, the text is not displayed, it is clearly visible as plain paper.
- Night. A few years ago the ability to read in the dark was a major advantage of e-readers with LCD display. But with the advent of E-Ink-devices highlights this card bit.
- Power usage. Reader and tablets with LCD screens need to recharge every day or a few days (depending on model). E-Ink-chitalki live without recharging from a week to several months. Kindle Paperwhite promises to 8 weeks on a single charge (with backlight), iPad mini with Retina display - total 10 hours of battery life.
- Price. E-Ink-devices at lower plates. For example, Kindle Paperwhite on Amazon'e worth $139.00. iPad mini display Retina (16GB) - $399. Nexus 7 (16GB) - $229.
E-Ink vs LCD: reading style
But if reading room with electronic ink are so good, why some bibliophiles buy tablets with LCD screens? Probably because they just read - a little.
No matter how advanced any E-Ink-device, its main and only function - reading. Meanwhile, the reading of all different styles. Someone reading a streamed, and someone who likes to take a break on it to check email, play a game, listen to music. This plates LCDs benefit.
Also, if you like books with color pictures, E-Ink is not for you. There are color electronic ink, but the devices based on them are rare and expensive. Kyobo eReader when entering the market cost about $ 310, is about the same average retail price at the recently appeared PocketBook Color Lux.
Also, if you like, is subtracted witty quote, once it zatvitit, then the tablet to be still more convenient nimble LCD display. Wi-Fi in the reader with electronic ink is designed primarily to update the "library", and not for social networking.
E-Ink vs LCD: vision
Many claim that electronic paper reduces eye strain, due to lack of light can be read for a long time and my eyes do not get tired. Supporters of LCD-displays parry - and sit for hours at the computer your eyes do not hurt?
In fact, it was carried out in 2012 study, Which put an end to disputes. Scientists came to the conclusion that with the ophthalmic point of view there is no difference between reading with E-Ink-reading devices and tablets with a LCD-screen. However, when it comes to modern gadgets with high resolution LCD displays. In addition, means "ideal" conditions, when the screen is not exposed to the light, and it does not glare.
Thus, it would seem, E-Ink-reading room is uniquely benefit from devices like the Kindle Fire or Nook HD, if it is especially about reading. They are cheaper and more convenient.
But! If, in addition to books, you need more and browser applications sots.seti, then obviously that choose devices with electronic ink unreasonable - they are too "slow" for this.
Probably, it all depends on your goals.
In your opinion, what is better: E-Ink or LCD? Book lovers are welcome to debate in the comments.