Are your article to be published: 24-hour test
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Sometimes what seems to us a literary masterpiece, in fact it is not. And it's not so much that not even written so exciting, and the fact that we like the topic itself. If we from it in delight, then why did not she like others?!
When the material is written in courage, the text seems ideal, biting and entertaining. But in fact, if you give yourself a little cool, but the article - "present", the text may seem to have no such ideal.
Good advice for all who at least occasionally have to deal with articles and press releases - to subject Article 24-hour test.
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We start, as always, with the most simple and binding - looking at the header!
1. header
Title is not just the main part of the article. It was he who first attracts our opinion and conveys the basic sense. And, for some reason, it is sometimes the most difficult to come up with!
On the one hand, it must attract a certain audience and clearly indicate the article topic. Yes, in the case of the exact title it read far fewer people than if the headline was screaming and intriguing. But if your primary goal is to get a real response to the material, not to experiment better.
Heading in the best traditions of the tabloids' shock: what happened to Apple's shares "will attract a lot of people, but if under it are banal news, you're probably the main cause indignation audience than receive a positive response.
If you can not immediately come up with the right title, it is better to postpone this occupation and get to work on this article. When you are finished, your head will form a perfect title for the written material.
2. Introduction
According to Derek Halferna of «Social Triggers», if people read the first three or four lines of your article, then chances are that they will read all of the text to the end, are quite high.
The introduction should be interested in and tell us what will happen this material. It also sets the basic tone of the whole article.
3. subheadings
If the main title should carry the specific information about the content of the article, at the time of inventing subtitles, you can give free rein to their imagination.
They can entertain and motivate readers even more than the name itself.
4. Ask the basic tone of the article and stick with it until the end
"This carpet set the tone for the whole apartment!"
Jeffrey Lebowski Dude
People - being emotional and not always polite. If you have already set a certain tone of his article, try to stick with it and do not go too far. Overly aggressive, assertive and self-confident tone can make your article in the tops, and can, on the contrary, cause discontent and rude comments. So if you are writing an article on the explosive topic, get ready for that you will throw stones.
Similarly feels your lack of confidence or fear of looking foolish. In this case, you also can not get away from accusations and injections.
So that Typically №1 - «set the tone and stick to it until the end"and Typically №2 - «do not react to trolls"
5. Appearance
As your article appears on the screen? It readable? This is especially true of large text, which if not properly design can scare readers.
And it is quite natural, because grafomanskie articles that are a continuous text, read tedious and uninteresting, even if the material is really good.
That's it for this we create sub-headings, lists, highlight the main points in italics or bold and separated from the general text. And add visual aids in the form of pictures, screenshots and tables. And then the article is no longer looks frighteningly huge and boring.
6. Errors or omissions
Not every editor can be a good writer, and not every author is a good editor.
Yes, sometimes it happens that we make mistakes in grammar and spelling. It is not surprising, given the huge number of rules in the Russian language and a variety of options for their use.
It's one thing when you rightly point out the grammatical error, and quite another - a random typo or autocorrect. What words do not only throw up the program grammar checker!
So it is better again carefully read the text and replace the momentum and words in writing that you are in doubt.
And even if the article really was interesting, right after work on it, you may not notice the mistakes and errors, since the eye is already "priter" and simply do not notice them. So if you have the opportunity to delay the output of the material, it is best to wait at least a few hours and then read. If in a hurry, then you can ask him to read someone of his colleagues.