Art pedagogy and art therapeutic technologies - course RUB 31,400. from Moscow School of Practical Psychology, training 670 academicians. hours, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 05, 2023
An art teacher is a professional who uses art therapeutic techniques to conduct classes for the purpose of development, learning or achieving relaxation.
Prevention prof. burnout
Professional psychologist, speaker, candidate of psychological sciences, art therapist, certified NLP practitioner, presenter of psychological games.
Training program - 670 hours
Psychology of Personality
Personality psychology as a branch of psychological knowledge. Individual, personality, individuality. Structural and systemic approaches to describing personality in psychology. Personal development. Personality as the subject of his life path. Psychological health of the individual. Personality in conflict. Personal self-awareness
Art therapy and art pedagogy in inclusive education
Introduction to art pedagogy and art therapy. Theoretical foundations of art pedagogy and art therapy. Art pedagogy and art therapy in correctional work with children with disabilities in special and inclusive education. Didactic foundations of art pedagogy and art therapy. Art-pedagogical technologies in special and inclusive education. Art therapeutic technologies in special and inclusive education.
General fundamentals of pedagogy
Education as a social and pedagogical phenomenon. Educational goals. Subject and concepts of pedagogy. The structure of pedagogy. The concept of a holistic pedagogical process. Humanization of pedagogical interaction as a way of anthropologizing the pedagogical process. Inclusive education. Main trends in the development of education systems abroad. Methodology of pedagogy. Methods of pedagogical research. Classification of teaching aids.
Psychological counseling
Goals and objectives of psychological counseling. Types of psychological assistance. Organization of psychological counseling. Stages of psychological counseling. Ethical principles of psychological counseling. Requirements for a consulting psychologist. Skills of a psychological consultant. Basic skills of a psychological consultant. Sophisticated counseling skills. Specialized counseling skills. Methods of psychological counseling. Testing in psychological counseling. Basic queries in psychological counseling. Types of clients. Anxiety disorders. Basic queries in psychological counseling. OCD; hysterical, paranoid, schizoid, narcissistic personality type. Basic queries in psychological counseling. Working with grief and crying clients. Theories of psychological counseling. Client resistance. Assessing the effectiveness of psychological counseling.
Professional ethics of a psychologist
Basic concepts, features of professional ethics of a psychologist, specifics of helping professions. Code of Ethics. Therapeutic contract, violation of EC RPO, typical mistakes of a consulting psychologist. Levels of human consciousness, levels of the unconscious, semantic principles of work. Empathy, rapport, transference, countertransference. Moral dilemma, emotional burnout.
Modern trends in art therapy
Historical milestones in the development of art therapy. The stage of predecessors and pioneers in art therapy (until the end of the 50s of the 20th century). The initial phase of the formation of art therapy (1960-1980). Transition to evidence-based art therapy (1990-2000). Problems of modern foreign art therapy. Development of art therapy in the Russian Federation.
Art therapeutic techniques in group work
Features of group art therapy. Characteristics of different forms of group art therapy. Organization of group art therapy work. Psychotherapeutic factors of group work. Working with different client groups.
Practical art therapy tools
Practical tools for art therapy. Art therapy session. Directions and forms of Art therapy. Bibliotherapy. Clay therapy. Mandalotherapy. Phototherapy.
Sand therapy
Sand therapy. From theory to practice. Organization of sand therapy. Sand therapy process. Stages of work. Features of working with children. Characteristics of sand paintings. Interpretations and ways of working with sand for the client. Modifications of sand therapy in the work of a psychologist. Features of children's sand therapy. Modification of sand therapy. Sandplay with little s.
Fairy tale therapy
Fundamentals of fairy tale therapy. Options for working with a fairy tale. Psychological analysis of the fairy tale.
Workshop on art therapy
Projective technique “Tree”. Exercise “My coat of arms”. Exercise “State”. Exercise “Getting rid of fear.” Exercise "Doodle". Exercise “Bad dreams”.
Practice, consulting, case methods
Final interdisciplinary exam
Psychoanalysts with a bachelor's degree from MITM are in demand in government organizations, leading universities and research centers. MITM graduates can conduct private psychoanalytic counseling or group sessions, solving problems through various methods of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis studies the deep unconscious processes of the psyche that have been formed throughout life. person and leading to disorders, which makes it possible to eliminate the very cause of the problem, and not just its consequence.
24 000 ₽