How to remember phone numbers?
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Tell me honestly, do you remember phone numbers of your closest friends or relatives? And your cell number? Some of my friends do not even remember their home landline number. Mobile phones are absolutely spoiled our memories, and a great number of various programs for reminders finally finishing off her.
Of course, with such a huge flow of information is difficult to manage without aids, but we are so damned fat and lazy, that sometimes can not even remember the number of our home phone!
In order to remember the name of a new acquaintance, psychologists are advised not to hesitate to ask again, and during a conversation try as often as possible interlocutor called by name. And what to do in order to quickly enough to remember phone numbers of people important to you?
The solution is quite simple and will require not so much time as a variety of special techniques. All you need to do - is to erase the names of their loved ones and leave a phone number. As a result, when you would call one of them, instead of the name on the phone screen, you will see only a number. After some time, the number imprinted in your memory, and you can imagine it visually.
So if you are going now on vacation, I highly recommend at least a month before the trip to erase their names and leave only the phone numbers. And if you get lost, and the battery in your phone sits (or you forget it in a hotel room or another in a bag), you can dial their number from memory. And you will not stand and clap eyes, looking at mobile phone good passer, who decided to help you;)