Special training on labor protection. Mandatory occupational safety training. Set, 56 ac. hours - course 6500 rub. from KonturSchool, training, Date: September 24, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Technosphere safety specialist, expert in independent assessment of qualifications in the field of labor protection
Expert in technologies for assessing professional risks, personnel motivation and training systems, auditor of quality management systems
Duration and format of training: 18 academic hours, of which 8 hours are face-to-face/online classes, 10 hours are distance learning classes (video courses). Attention! You can attend the full course “Security Manager (Module 2)”. The success of any modern company and its development in conditions of intense competition largely depend on application of information technology, and, consequently, on the degree of provision of information security. Almost every enterprise has various types of information that are of interest to attackers. First of all, these are commercial data, information that is the intellectual property of the enterprise and confidential data. By attending the seminar, you will gain practical skills in organizing an effective information security system for your company.
Learn how to improve the sustainability and security of your organization. You will understand how to organize civil defense events and act in case of various emergencies. Confirm your qualifications and receive a certificate
Advanced training (136 hours). Compliance. The program allows you to gain systemic knowledge and practical skills in combating corruption in a corporate environment. You will learn about the most common risk areas and the best Russian and international practices for reducing them, learn organize and improve compliance systems in the field of anti-corruption and conduct internal corporate investigations. Training is completely remote.