Previously, WhatsApp users to send only text documents, spreadsheets, or presentations. other types of files had to be downloaded in file sharing or cloud storage and give them a link. Now everything comes easier.
The new version of WhatsApp makes it possible to transfer files of any format, but there is a limit on the volume: up to 100 MB for Android and up to 128 MB for iOS.
Note that the beta testers enjoyed this opportunity more since June. At the desktop version WhatsApp file size is still limited to 64 MB.
Also, the developers added a feature basic text formatting: you can make it bold, italic, or struck-through. To do this, select the text and pop-up menu, select Format.
I changed and design. Now when you open the camera in WhatsApp, you can quickly go to your gallery up gesture. Design of audio and video calls, too, has improved.
Price: Free
Price: Free