Remember The Task, and Google Tasks - Air-task management application
Productivity Web Services / / December 23, 2019
Planning - is the key to success in any business. No wonder GTD ideas were so widespread in the IT-business - programs for the proper planning of their time to help focus on important tasks without distractions on the little things correctly prioritize in the ongoing work to help achieve success, and at least have time to do everything on time, which is already for many, including me, success. The program now for tasks such weight, and not all of them are bulky and universal. Many people have a very compact form, and are designed to address only their tasks. They are associated with online services that store your data. With the proliferation of Adobe Air, such programs can be used with success in all operating systems and not data retention Needless to worry - the online services will make it for you, in addition, providing access to them in any place where there is the Internet.
Remember The Task - an application that allows you to manage your tasks when Remember The Milk. The app is easy to manage, but fully functional repeats its online counterpart: Tasks can be created, add them notes, assign tags, importance, arbitrarily change the date, reminders, group, mark the degree of performance. Remember The Task - small and handy pager your tasks in GTD style.
Google Tasks - application working with your tasks from Gmail. Once Google has implemented in its e-mail program can create simple tasks, this function became an instant success - it is what waited so long in Google Calendar. The functionality of this small client exactly the same as the tasks themselves in the mail.
The only drawback that I found these programs - not always work correctly with the Cyrillic alphabet. For example, in Windows XP programs run without problems in Windows Vista and Windows 7, there are moments when Cyrillic is not displayed correctly. What is the reason, I could not figure out. By the way, because it uses Adobe Air, the programs run in MacOS and Linux.
Install both programs can be from the developer: