Color correction in Davinci Resolve from scratch - course RUB 22,536. from Khokhlov Sabatovsky, training 9 weeks, date November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
-Beginner colorists who need feedback from a practicing specialist from the industry
-Editors and editing directors who want to improve their post-production with cool color grading
-Filmmakers who strive to improve their skills and make a cinematic picture in order to raise a check for their work
-Operators and directors for whom it is important to understand the principles of color correction in order to think through the atmosphere of their videos in advance
-Anyone who is interested in video color correction and dreams of starting to work in this field
Module 1. Introduction. Pipeline for working with color correction
-How will the training be conducted?
-Why is color correction and grading needed and what problems does it solve?
-Color correction at the pre-production and production stages
-Color correction at the post-production stage
-Workstation of a colorist
-Monitor calibration: what you see VS what the viewer sees
Module 2. Color theory and working with digital images
-How does a person perceive color? Peculiarities of perception
-Color circle
-Color schemes. Contrasts
-Color parameters: HSL - hue, saturation and brightness
-Dramaturgy of color: color and emotions
-Features of working with digital images
-Resolution, formats and codecs. Color depth and color subsampling
-Color spaces and gamuts
-Observation and how to form it. Working with references
Homework No. 1: take 5 frames from films and describe how the mood in the frame is created, what scheme was used
Module 3. DaVinci Resolve Basics
-Working with Database and creating a project
-Program interface
-Project settings
-Import a project from another program. Working with XML
-Color tab: interface
Module 4. Color Management
-What is it and why is it needed?
-Why do you need to know camera settings when shooting? Reading the metadata
-Working with the project in rec.709
-Working with log/RAW project. Color Space Transform. Part 1
-Working with log/RAW project. Color Space Transform. Part 2
-Camera RAW settings
-Working with log/RAW project. Part 1. ACES and Resolve Color Management
-Working with log/RAW project. Part 2. Resolve Color Management
-Working with log/RAW project. Part 3. ACES
-Fusion & RCM
Module 5. Primary color correction. Exposition
-Tasks of primary color correction.
-Working with nodes. Types of nodes. How to create a tree of nodes? Part 1
-Working with nodes. Types of nodes. How to create a tree of nodes? Part 2
-Hotkeys when working with nodes
-Clip, Pre/Post Group & Timeline node sections
-Waveform, vectorscope & parade. How to learn to understand devices? Part 1
-Waveform, vectorscope & parade. How to learn to understand devices? Part 2
-Exposition. What should it be like?
-Working with Primary Wheels
-Working with the Contrast and Pivot tool
-Working with exposure using a curve
-Working with the HDR toolbar. Part 1
-Working with the HDR toolbar. Part 2
Module 6. Primary color correction. Balance and richness
-Balance. What should it be like?
-Temperature and tint
-Balance using Color Wheels
-Additional image balancing methods
-Working with saturation. Saturation & Color Boost, Sat vs Sat
Homework #3: colorize 5 frames based on reference (exposure, balance and saturation)
- Frame matching. Part 1
- Frame matching. Part 2
Module 7. Local corrections, working with masks.
-What are local corrections? Why are they needed, what are they?
-Geometric masks - types, parameters. Part 1
-Geometric masks - types, parameters. Part 2
-Tracking geom. masks
-Tracker modes clip & frame. Manual animation of masks
-Raster masks - HSL qualifier
-Additional raster mask settings
-What to do if the qualifier does not highlight the Log footage area well?
-Combining geoms. and raster masks
-Working with low-quality materials. Part 1
-Working with low-quality materials. Part 2
Homework No. 5 fix mistakes in 5 shots using learned techniques and masks
Module 8. Grading
-Grading tasks
-Fast grading. Using LUT`s. Combining loots
-Creating your own presets. Stills & PowerGrades
-Toning. Part 1
-Toning. Part 2
-Stylization. Part 1
-Stylization. Part 2
-Important effects of the Color tab
-Color correction animation
-Skin retouching
-Clean Up in the Color tab
Homework #6: style 3 shots using different references (either your own or from the bank)
-Additional tools of the Color tab. Part 1
-Additional tools of the Color tab. Part 2
-Additional tools of the Color tab. Part 3
-How to optimize PC performance when color correction?
Module 9. Video styling in practice.
-We paint the video in horror style. Part 1
-We paint the video in horror style. Part 2
-Create a psychedelic mood in the frame.
-How to recolor day into night?
-Create a cheerful and relaxed mood in the frame.
-Creating the right Teal & Orange
-Structure of work on the project.
Homework No. 7 take the source material for 60 seconds (your own or from the bank) and completely paint it inside and out
Module 10. Conclusion
-Render optimization
-How to submit a project for further work?
-Media Management
-How to create a cool showreel?
-Where to move next? Working with clients. Where to look for orders?
- Parting words.