Antimonopoly compliance - rate 54,000 rubles. from HSE, training 6 weeks, Date: April 24, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
Lecturers are the best Russian experts in the field of antimonopoly regulation and compliance, including those with extensive experience working in the FAS Russia;
Analysis of the regulatory framework and analysis of practical cases, including a review of violations and M&A transactions during the 2020 lockdown and 2022 military operation;
Much attention is deservedly paid to economic analysis as the basis of antimonopoly policy.
prohibitions, restrictions and other provisions of antimonopoly regulation, as well as clarifications of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia on issues of antimonopoly compliance
solve complex business cases from real practice and objectively assess compliance risks
applied skills required to manage compliance risks of private sector companies, state corporations and authorities
valuable insights from our teachers - experts with many years of relevant work experience, including at the FAS Russia
Chief expert of the Institute of Compliance and Business Ethics of the National Research University Higher School of Law, Head of the General Compliance and Legal Support Service of Mizuho Bank JSC (Moscow)
Partner, Head of Antimonopoly Practice at BGP Litigation Law Firm, Chairman of the General Council of the Association of Antimonopoly Experts, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the “Center for the Study of Competition and Economics” of the Siberian Institute of Management RANEPA, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Key knowledge and skills developed as a result of training in the program
• understand the requirements of antimonopoly regulation, master current clarifications of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and judicial practice, and also be able to apply this knowledge in practice
• develop internal documents on antimonopoly compliance issues and organize approval by the FAS of Russia of documents for compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation
• act as an expert in the formation of strategic and operational plans for business development, taking into account extraterritorial action and other specifics of Russian antimonopoly regulation
• the ability to purposefully and effectively obtain legally significant information about events occurring in target areas product markets, from a variety of sources, including legal databases, interviews and the media
• compile high-quality databases on antitrust violations and process them for reporting, decision-making and training purposes
• conduct professional communication with competitors, clients, counterparties and FAS Russia
• defend the interests of business when interacting with the FAS Russia within the framework of inspections, requests for information, receipt of warnings or consideration of administrative cases regarding violation of antimonopoly legislation
• plan compliance risk management activities, draw up risk maps and monitor the effectiveness of controls
• organize an antimonopoly compliance system, interact with experts when conducting it independent assessment and implement measures to improve the efficiency of the antimonopoly compliance system for companies