How to teach a child to read. Teaching children to read - free course from 4brain, training 9 lessons, Date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
Every parent who cares about their harmonious, correct and holistic development thinks about the importance and role of reading in the life of their children. But if in some families it’s enough for moms and dads to simply send their child to kindergarten or school, shifting it, let it not sound loudly, responsibility falls on the shoulders of educators and teachers, while in others caring parents prefer to work with their children also on one's own.
The information from this course is intended specifically for people of the second category, because those who belong to the first are unlikely to search for relevant information on the Internet. But let's continue.
Despite the great desire to teach your precious child to read as soon as possible, this process should be approached with maximum attention and caution, because there are subtleties and nuances here that simply cannot be overlooked eyes. The fact is that, contrary to popular belief, the sooner you start learning the basics of reading with your child, the better, many specialists (neuropathologists, child psychologists, etc.) are convinced that this can lead to negative consequences in future. For example, early learning to read with accompanying premature loads on the visual system often becomes the cause of myopia and other vision problems.
Thus, it is very important to know at least the basic features of the formation of the child’s body, when to start teach children to read and how their readiness for this process is determined, as well as adhere to the basic relevant rules These fundamental questions will be discussed in the first lesson.
Here, as you should understand, we will present only general information, because... it will be quite enough.
So, starting from the early stages of pregnancy and ending at the age of three, the first functional block of the baby’s brain, responsible for his bodily, cognitive and emotional perception.
From three to five to eight years, the formation of the second functional block of the brain occurs, which controls the five senses - touch, taste, smell, hearing and vision.
It should be borne in mind that the formation of functional brain blocks is a sequential process. Any attempt by a parent to “skip” any stage negatively affects the natural development of the child, because unnatural “adjustments” are made to it. The insidiousness of the consequences lies in the fact that, quite likely, they will not be felt immediately, but over the years. Subsequently, an already matured child may develop problems that are expressed not only in speech disorders, neuroses, motor disturbances, etc., but also in difficulties in relationships with others people.
Based on this, you need to start teaching your child to read at a certain time.
There are several opinions about when you can start teaching your child to read. Some experts believe that starting a certain work, for example, showing Doman cards (we will talk about them and other methods in second lesson), it is possible already after the baby reaches six months of age, while others believe that it is best to start at 3-4 years old, and precisely from primer. However, all teachers agree on one thing: no teaching of reading is completely unacceptable and impossible until the child has mastered speech skills. If, around the age of 3-4, the child begins to take an active interest in books, it is not only possible, but also necessary to begin learning to read.
It is also worth noting that if you show restlessness and indifference to printed materials, before learning, you should understand how to arouse the child’s interest in reading. We will touch on this issue in more detail in a separate lesson, but we will still say that parents will be helped in solving this problem an incredible selection of books that stand out, in addition to their brightness and colorfulness, by the presence of many moving elements and even sound accompaniment. Thanks to this, reading becomes not just an interesting activity for children, but also an exciting game. At the initial stage, any book serves not so much as a source of knowledge, but as a way to become familiar with the reading process itself.
Continuing the conversation on the topic of a child’s readiness to read, it can be determined by several criteria:
If problems are observed with any of the above, you should begin to eliminate them - spend some time working on the causes complexity of the moments, visit a speech therapist, neurologist, etc. If everything is in order (or after eliminating problems), you can proceed to training reading.
The presented question worries, perhaps, every parent. And the first answer to it will be the traditional method, which boils down to daily monotonous exercises in reading the primer. But this option is not very effective, because the child almost always becomes bored, he quickly gets tired and tired. Plus, he doesn’t learn to read thoughtfully at all. Of course, the baby will learn some skills and knowledge, but call it a good way sensory-emotional development, knowledge of the surrounding world and one’s place in it can be greatly a stretch. To make the process exciting and creative, so that it arouses interest in the child, so that the reading skill is mastered effectively, you need to use other methods (we have dedicated separate lessons in our course to such methods, and for now we will not focus on them attention).
Before you start learning to read and use any methods, you must learn the basic rules that you should rely on in your activities. They can be called the basis of this entire process. Although small deviations are allowed, it is still recommended to adhere to all the rules, otherwise the child will master the reading skill less effectively, which should not be allowed under any circumstances.
So, if you intend to help your baby master such an important skill as reading, adhere to the following rules:
And at the end of the first lesson, we would like to supplement the above rules with a few more recommendations that will help you teach your child to read faster and better.
Your child will learn to read more successfully if you follow this list of recommendations:
Approach teaching your child to read with love and intelligence, and the first results will not take long to arrive. And in the next lesson we will talk about the most popular methods of teaching children to read today, and also briefly talk about what we were based on when creating the presented course.
Lesson 1. The most popular methods of teaching children to read
Almost each of us today can remember the famous blue primer with which we learned to read. But time passes, and the presented tool loses its relevance, giving way to special methods of teaching children to read. Today you can find many such methods, but we will tell you about the most popular ones, and also point out their main advantages and disadvantages, if any. Of course, we will say a few words about the primer, and also introduce the benefits of practical methods for teaching children to read, collected in this course by the 4Brain team. But, as is our custom, let’s talk about everything in order.
To begin with, it would not be superfluous to note once again that it is recommended to teach children to read no earlier than 4-5 years old, but it is not excluded cases when children begin to master this skill earlier (we talked about indicators of children’s readiness for reading in the first lesson). The author's methods that we will talk about are designed for early, i.e. primary education of children.
Lesson 2. The most important points when teaching children to read. An easy way to teach your child to read
In the two previous lessons, we looked at the basics of teaching children to read and got acquainted with the most popular methods on this topic. But the theoretical aspects do not end there, because teaching a child to read is not an easy task. Naturally, we will not overwhelm you with theory, otherwise the course will simply be of no use, but we will still allow ourselves to touch on a few more issues of a similar nature.
If you want to make sure that your child’s reading education is as effective as possible, you should pay attention to a number of certain nuances, which we will discuss below. We also note that the recommendations we offer have been tested in practice by many parents and have shown their effectiveness on many generations of children. Despite this, they are extremely simple, and following them will not be difficult for you. Plus, this information will allow you to avoid the most common mistakes. This means that your baby will very soon be able to distinguish between letters, syllables and words, remember them and pronounce them correctly.
Lesson 3. Preparing for reading for little ones. Age characteristics. First books. Methods and recommendations
Remember, just recently you were thinking about how to help your baby solve his first “baby” difficulties - mastering a rattle, teaching him to eat, going to the potty. But time flies unnoticed, and now the time has come for the baby to learn the first skills that will be useful to him in adulthood. And one of them is reading. Preparation for the process of learning to read is very important because... Only with a competent integrated approach will success in this difficult but very interesting matter be guaranteed.
To begin with, let's once again touch on age-related characteristics, namely: consider what special happens during the period from 3 to 7 years with a child, because both the methods that need to be used for learning and the subtleties of preparation depend on this.
Lesson 4. Learning the alphabet
One of the foundations of reading at all times was knowledge of the alphabet. As one might expect, there are many methods for studying the variety of letters in the Russian language, but not all are effective. In addition, when teaching a child, it is always necessary to focus on psychological and physiological characteristics. The age aspect is of particular importance in the issue of mastering the alphabet.
We have already mentioned that the characteristics of babies in 99% of cases are such that it is quite difficult for them to concentrate. For this reason, purposefully studying the alphabet at the age of 1-2 years does not make any sense (this is precisely the kind of study that is meant which will be useful in the future, but, of course, you can prepare for reading), and teachers advise starting this from the age of three age. Although you should always and everywhere rely on the individual characteristics of a particular child, and not try to find any age limits. Next we will talk about learning the alphabet by children of different ages.
Lesson 5. Reading by syllables
After the child has mastered the alphabet, and you are sure that from now on information about the letters of the Russian language is firmly entrenched in his head, it’s time to move on to studying syllables. This lesson is dedicated specifically to this topic.
We bring to your attention practical recommendations that will help you teach your baby to read syllables, as well as several lessons for home study aimed at improving reading skills and abilities. Let's start with recommendations.
Lesson 6. Reading whole words
After completing the lessons, the child can confidently read words, but they sound something like this: “ko-te-nok”, “so-ba-ka”, “ig-rush-ka”, “ki-no”, etc. In other words, the baby reads words, but reads them syllable by syllable. This is quite normal, but you definitely need to work on it, because... only when the child starts reading words and sentences in their entirety and without hesitation, one can say that he really learned to read. In addition, at the same time as learning to read whole words, children must learn to understand the meaning of what they read. We will talk about these topics in this lesson.
But first, let's understand a few very important points - when a child masters reading whole words, it is necessary:
Lesson 7. Quick Read
The ability to read is one of the most important and necessary skills for a person in life. And this is most clearly expressed when the child begins to go to school. The speed and quality of information perception, as well as the success of the entire learning process in general, depends on the ability to read. If a child can read with difficulty, he will study, write down and assimilate the material very slowly, and this in turn will affect his academic performance.
For these and many other similar reasons, every parent who cares about their child and his success in life must not only help him learn to read, but do it as effectively and competently as possible Maybe. To put it somewhat differently, he is obliged to teach the child to read correctly, meaningfully and quickly. And in our lesson today we will present a number of techniques and exercises that will help you achieve this result.
Lesson 8. How to make a child fall in love with reading
Enough has already been said about the meaning of reading and the boundaries it opens. Let us just remind you that people who love to read have a much greater chance of success in life. And according to some psychological research, well-read children perform better in school, and their likelihood of receiving higher education increases markedly compared to children who do not read love.
But how can you make sure that your child both knows how to read and loves this activity? How can you make sure that instead of spending countless hours on social networks or playing on a tablet, he picks up a book and spends time with it?
Lesson 9. Teaching children to read in foreign languages
Teaching a child to read Russian is one thing. This is naturally necessary; Without this, as they say, there is nowhere. But nowadays there is increasingly a need for a person to also know some foreign language, and, of course, this presupposes the ability to read in this language.
In the final lesson, we will look at the basics of teaching children to read in foreign languages, and as an example, as you might guess, we use English. Firstly, it is an international language, i.e. it can be useful to any person in life, and secondly, its relevance is due to the widespread use of computer technology. This is precisely why, by the way, today it is increasingly being taught in schools from the first grade.
And before moving on to the main part of the course, we suggest you think a little about why being able to read and teaching your children to read is so important.