8 ways to make life breathtaking
Miscellaneous / / September 25, 2021
It turns out it's not that difficult.
Remember these indescribable feelings when you look at the mountains or listen to a great opera? Researchers call this feeling awe.
Decker Keltner
Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, founder of the Greater Good Center.
I define awe as being close to something huge and mysterious, something that you cannot fully understand.
Why is it important to be in awe as often as possible?
Awe improves our lives in several ways at once.
It changes the perception of the world
American scientists have found outM. Rudd, K. D. Vohs, J. Aaker. Awe expands people’s perception of time, alters decision making, and enhances well-being / Psychological sciencethat thrill positively affects our perception of the world and how we make decisions. He can change our understanding of time, expanding and filling it, which helps us not to leave thoughts in the past or the future, but to be here and now.
Jennifer Stellar
Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto.
People find that the feeling of awe becomes a very deep experience for them. Awe helps people see the world differently. I think this is very valuable.
It improves physical health
Scientists have found outJ. E. Stellar, N. John-Henderson, C. L. Anderson, A. M. Gordon, G. D. McNeil, D. Keltner. Positive affect and markers of inflammation: discrete positive emotions predict lower levels of inflammatory cytokines / Emotion (Washington, D. C.)that the feeling of awe reduces the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These protective molecules are released when a person becomes ill. But if there are a lot of them all the time, serious health problems can begin: the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, depression increases.
It has a positive effect on mental well-being.
Dutch scientists showed people breathtaking slides and closely monitored the condition of the subjects. As a result, it turned outY. Joye, J. W. Bolderdijk. An exploratory study into the effects of extraordinary nature on emotions, mood, and prosociality / Frontiers in Psychologythat the thrill felt by the participants in the experiment significantly improved their mood.
In addition, the thrill increasesM. Rudd, K. D. Vohs, J. Aaker. Awe expands people’s perception of time, alters decision making, and enhances well-being / Psychological science life satisfaction and helpsV. Griskevicius, M. N. Shiota, S. L. Neufeld. Influence of different positive emotions on persuasion processing: a functional evolutionary approach / Emotion (Washington, D. C.) we are skeptical about weak opinions and arguments.
He makes us more social
Researches show 1. C. Prade, V. Saroglou. Awe's effects on generosity and helping / The Journal of Positive Psychology
2. P. K. Piff, P. Dietze, M. Feinberg, D. M. Stancato, D. Keltner. Awe, the small self, and prosocial behavior / Journal of personality and social psychologythat people in awe are more likely to exhibit prosocial behavior, that is, a willingness to benefit others and society as a whole.
In doing so, awe not only shifts our attention to those around us, but also helps us feel connected with them. It creates a kind of bridge between what Keltner calls the "habitual self" (our desires to achieve goals, improve our status and improve our lives) and our inner need to be part of society and help others.
How to add more exciting moments to life
When every day is filled with work stresses and household chores, the feeling of awe seems like an unattainable luxury. Fortunately, this is not the case. Thrill can be experienced anytime, anywhere, with a few proven methods. Decker Keltner provides eight tips.
1. Notice the inner beauty of those around you
The moral beauty and courage of others, as well as their talents and unique abilities, can be awe-inspiring.
Decker Keltner
We often think that we should take our breath away only from fundamental things - natural phenomena or spiritual practices. But in fact, the stories and fates of other people can affect us just as much. We have found that 50 to 60% of inspiring experiences occur when we are impressed by others.
2. Sync with those around you
Keltner points out that not only does it help you feel awe, but it also strengthens social bonds and creates a sense of connection with those around you. Recent research has shownR. Mogan, R. Fischer, J. A. Bulbulia. To be in synchrony or not? A meta ‑ analysis of synchrony’s effects on behavior, perception, cognition and affect / Journal of Experimental Social Psychologythat people become more generous and accommodating after walking in unison with others (for example, dancing, choral singing, or even walking toe-to-toe).
3. Spend more time in nature
Get in the habit of going for at least 15-minute walks to the nearest park every week.
One study by a psychologist and his colleagues confirmedV. E. Sturm, S. Datta, R. K. Ashlin. Big smile, small self: Awe walks promote prosocial positive emotions in older adults / Emotionthat such walks increase the amount of positive emotions. Experts at the Keltner Science Center even formulated several rules have a good walk: you need not to be distracted by the phone, count to six with each inhalation and exhalation, and concentrate now on the breath, now on the surrounding sounds and sights.
Decker Keltner
Consider the patterns on trees and leaves, get some fresh air, think of the infinity of space around you.
4. Listen or create music
Remember the feeling of pleasant creeps all over your body when you listen to the solemn symphonysinging a touching song or playing a beautiful melody on a musical instrument? Music is one of the most versatile sources of that elusive feeling when you take your breath away.
You can not only listen or play, but also try to compose your own music. And if you gather a small group or become a member of a choir, synchronization with others will definitely help you feel a pleasant thrill.
5. Enjoy the art
Unusual conceptual exhibitions, art-house films, classical sculpture - the greatness and beauty of art can easily take your breath away.
Aesthetic images also evoke pleasant feelings. For example, participants in one study feltP. K. Piff, P. Dietze, M. Feinberg, D. M. Stancato, D. Keltner. Awe, the small self, and prosocial behavior / Journal of personality and social psychology thrill when watching a slow-motion video, where drops of colored water beautifully fell into a bowl of milk.
6. Don't Forget Spiritual Experiences
Scientists have found outJ. L. Preston, F. Shin. Spiritual experiences evoke awe through the small self in both religious and non-religious individuals / Journal of Experimental Social Psychologythat spiritual experiences and even memories of them evoke a sense of awe. They can be anything: religious participants in the study more often recalled faith, life and death, while non-religious people were breathtaking from yoga, meditation, or communication with nature. In general, you can do anything. The main thing is that it matters to you.
7. Try to figure out something significant
Decker Keltner
Global ideas are breathtaking - take, for example, Marxism, evolution or the market economy.
You don't have to regularly look for fresh ideas, just try to look at familiar things from a new angle. Keltner suggests starting with the simplest things. For example, think about clouds or waves, how they form and how they affect the world around us.
Or try learning quantum physics: It will be difficult at first, but the clearer this topic becomes for you, the more thrill you will experience. Literature lovers can make out complex metaphorical verses and poems: when you get to the meaning of the work, you will definitely take your breath away.
8. Think about life and death
Parents who saw the magic of childbirth with their own eyes know firsthand how amazing it is. Facing death can evoke similar feelings. This does not mean that you need to deliberately put your life at risk in pursuit of awe. Many modern films, TV series and books fully reveal the theme of life and death and help to experience strong feelings.
Decker Keltner
We usually talk about awe as a miracle that can happen only once in a lifetime. In fact, this feeling is all around us.
If the professor’s advice didn’t work for you, don’t despair. Keep gaining experience and trying new things. Perhaps you will find another way to make your life exciting!
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