Production management - course 10,000 rubles. from Open education, training 8 weeks, Date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
“The emergence of production management (production management) as an essential a separate and leading institution of society was the greatest achievement of mankind in its modern history. Management is the organ of society that ensures maximum productivity of resources and is responsible for achieving economic progress.”
P. Drucker.
Currently, the study of the theory of production management, rich foreign and existing domestic management experience production in various branches of material production is a necessity for modern managers and those who prepare for them become.
Purpose of the course – formation in students of a basic system of knowledge in the field of management theory of an industrial organization (enterprise, firm, corporation), mastery of modern methods and tools for managing the workforce and effectively using all the resources of the enterprise through the rational organization of production processes and planning of production activities, studying the practice of their systematic use in domestic industry in modern macroeconomic conditions.
The “Production Management” course includes fifteen topics, combined into four sections (modules):
- Content and evolution of production management concepts;
- Organization of preparation for the production of new products;
- Organization of production processes at the enterprise;
- In-production planning.
Each topic includes lecture material, presentations, assignment analysis, control questions (tests) and assignments that allow you to monitor the knowledge and skills acquired by students.
Each topic begins with a video lecture.