“Calculation of environmental damage to the environment” - course 23,000 rubles. from MSU, training 4 weeks. (1 month), Date: November 28, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 30, 2023
Graduated from the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, specialty: soil scientist-agrochemist, Department of Soil Chemistry.
Candidate of Biological Sciences (1997) in the specialty “Soil Science”, thesis topic: “Change in humus of dry steppe soils over time during irrigation (using the example of the Kulunda steppe.”
Area of scientific interests: environmental assessment and regulation of the ecological state of oil-contaminated soils, waste management production and consumption, reclamation of disturbed lands, biological control, environmental regulation of amphibians landscapes
Author of more than 100 scientific publications, including co-author of the monographs: “Protection of Soils and Lands” (2015 et al.); “Ecological soil science: stages of development, challenges of our time” (2015 et al.); Environmental regulation and management of soil and land quality (2013 et al.).
Co-author of “Methods for measuring mass fractions of petroleum product fractions in samples of soils, soils, bottom sediments, production waste using gas chromatography methods in combination with automatic accelerated extraction", 2018.
Participant of international conferences, in particular the congresses Soils of Urban, Industrial, Roadside, Mining, and Militarized Landscapes (SUITMA), EUROSOIL, SETAC.
Member of the program committees of the SETAC Europe 30th annual meeting (SETAC SciCon), the All-Russian conference “Soil Resources of Siberia: Challenges of the 20th Century”.
Member of the Society of Soil Scientists named after. IN. IN. Dokuchaeva; Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).
She has developed and teaches training courses to students:
“Fundamentals of reclamation of disturbed and contaminated lands”, “Environmental safety in the oil and gas industry”, “Ecological regulation of amphibious landscapes”,
She has developed and teaches training courses as part of additional education at the faculty:
“Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of environmental services and environmental control systems”; “Fundamentals of reclamation of disturbed and contaminated lands.”
Supervises the research of students both in the specialty of soil science and in the specialty of ecology.
1. Fundamentals of legislation for compensation for environmental damage. Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection and resolution of disputes in the field of environmental protection
1.1 Fundamentals of legislation regarding compensation for environmental damage.
1.2 Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection and resolution of disputes in the field of environmental protection
2. Procedure for compensation for environmental damage caused by violation of environmental legislation Regulatory authorities
2.1 The procedure for compensation for environmental damage caused by violation of environmental legislation
2.2 Regulatory authorities
3 Sources of negative impact and types of violations. Environmental quality standards and exposure standards. Sanitary standards
3.1 Sources of negative impact and types of violations.
3.2 Environmental quality standards and exposure standards. Sanitary and hygienic standards
4. Assessment of compensation for negative environmental impacts in developed countries
5. Calculation of the amount of damage caused to soils as an object of environmental protection
5.1. Calculation of the amount of damage caused to soils as an object of environmental protection
5.2. category of land and type of permitted use of the land plot
5.3. Calculation in monetary form of the amount of harm resulting from soil pollution
5.4. Calculation in monetary form of the amount of damage resulting from spoilage of soils due to their littering, which arose when storing production and consumption waste on the soil surface or soil layer
5.5. Calculation in monetary form of the amount of damage as a result of soil damage when covering its surface, which occurred when covering with artificial coverings and (or) objects
5.6. Calculation in monetary form of the amount of damage resulting from soil damage when removing the fertile soil layer
5.7. Methodology for determining the extent of damage from soil and land degradation.
Determination of the degree of soil and land degradation The procedure for calculating the amount of damage from soil and land degradation
6. Compensation for damage caused to forests and natural objects located in them due to violation of forest legislation
6.1. Compensation for damage caused to forests and natural objects located in them due to violation of forest legislation
6.2. Taxes for calculating the amount of damage caused as a result of violation of forest legislation to forest plantations, timber harvesting of which is permitted
6.3. Taxes for calculating the amount of damage caused to forest plantations, the logging of which is not permitted
7. Calculation of the amount of damage caused to water bodies due to violation of water legislation
7.1. Principles for calculating the amount of damage caused to water bodies
7.2. The procedure for calculating the amount of damage
7.3. Determination of the mass of harmful (pollutant) substances discharged with wastewater and received by other means into water bodies, taking into account natural and climatic conditions depending on time of the year
7.4. Consideration of environmental factors
7.5. Taxes for calculating the amount of harm from the discharge of organic and inorganic harmful (pollutant) substances into water bodies
7.6. The duration of the negative impact of harmful (pollutant) substances on a water body without taking measures to eliminate it
7.7. Taxes for calculating the amount of damage in case of pollution as a result of accidents of water bodies inorganic substances, pesticides, petroleum products, waste, suspended solids, as well as exhaustion
8. Practical experience in carrying out calculations within the framework of environmental damage to the environment.
9. Law enforcement and judicial practice
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