One of the big pluses, enveloping you from unreliable or questionable web applications and scripts is the refusal of Google's Chrome browser to install these extensions from anywhere other than the Chrome Web Store. However, sometimes there are situations when you know that this particular extension will not bring harm to you and your computer, however, is not an argument for harsh browser.
When you try to install this "unofficial" extension (crx file) or script (.user.js) Chrome produces a warning message and the installation is canceled. Fortunately, there is a simple way around this limitation.
- Save the extension of a crx file on local storage
- Open the Chrome Extensions page (Configure and manage Chrome -> Tools -> Extensions)
- Go to the folder where is our crx file, grab it with the mouse and drag the window browser extensions
- Chrome feels deceived and annoyance permit installation of expansion
Video below demonstrates the process described:
It is worth mentioning that the installation of dubious extensions - a very dangerous occupation. If you are not sure that the chosen extension is safe, it is best to do an analog of the Chrome Web Store.