JAVA – get a Black Belt! — course 1350 rub. from Stepik, training 121 lessons, Date: October 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
Hello friends!
If you are viewing this appeal, then you are undoubtedly already aware that Java is present in all areas of life and solves almost any problem. Server applications, web applications, various desktop programs are written in Java, drum roll. If you want to learn how to write Android applications, then welcome to the world of Java. After all, the vast majority of Android applications are written in Java.
So, who is my video course intended for?
The course is ideal for those who are already familiar with the basic topics of the Java programming language. And also the course will undoubtedly be appreciated by people who are programmers with some experience. Believe me, you will definitely learn a lot of new things, regardless of your existing knowledge.
After viewing this course, you will feel confident when interviewing for a Java Developer position.
If you currently do not have basic knowledge of the Java language, then I have created for you the “Java for Beginners” course, which is a BESTSELLER in its category.
Do you know what I love to do more than programming? Teach programming! I know a considerable number of excellent programmers who, unfortunately for everyone, cannot explain anything in simple words.
My principles and teaching methods allowed me to create a course of 120 lessons that cover very serious and necessary topics in the Java language.
I also pay special attention to feedback. I am always willing to communicate with my students and answer their questions.
See you soon friends and happy studying!
courseHi all! My name is Zaur Tregulov. I graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics and have been programming for over 9 years. But the most important thing is that I started teaching much earlier.
Hi all! My name is Zaur Tregulov. I graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics and have been programming for over 9 years. But the most important thing is that I started teaching much earlier. Already during my student years, I taught mathematics to schoolchildren and prepared them for entering universities. It was then that the basic principles of my teaching methodology were formed: 1) everything should be explained using simple examples (most often from life) 2) the material must be explained completely (without any gaps) And it is this technique that allows my students to understand the whole essence of what is being studied subject. I am sure that the courses will bring you a lot of benefit, and you will be satisfied with them. Happy learning!
courseI am working on distance learning methods that make learning English easier.
I have been teaching for 18 of my 38 years. I started this activity while studying in the first year of the Faculty of Philology (English Language and Literature). I have experience in private and corporate teaching of English, Conversation Club, conducting oral and written translations. Since May 2014, I have been a certified specialist in the field of Communications from the London School of Business and Finance.
1. Introduction to the course
— Basic knowledge of Java. My “Java for Beginners” course is ideal for purchasing them;
— DESIRE to improve knowledge in Java.
Comparable and Comparator interfaces
1. Interface Comparable
2. Comparator interface
1. Introduction to generics
2. Parameterized class
3. Parameterized method
4. Type erasure
5. Subtyping
6. Wildcards
7. Example on generics
1. Introduction to Collection and List
2. ArrayList
3. ArrayList methods. Part 1
4. ArrayList methods. Part 2
5. ArrayList methods and related methods. Part 3
6. Iterator interface
7. LinkedList
8. ListIterator interface
9. Binary search
10. Big O notation
11. Vector
12. Stack
13. Introduction to Map. HashMap
14. equals and hashCode methods
15. HashMap in detail. Part 1 (/lesson/694657?unit=694454)
16. HashMap in detail. Part 2 (/lesson/694658?unit=694455)
17. TreeMap
18. LinkedHashMap
19. HashTable
20. Introduction to Set. HashSet
21. TreeSet (/lesson/694663?unit=694460)
22. LinkedHashSet
23. Introduction to Queue. LinkedList
24. PriorityQueue (/lesson/694666?unit=694463)
25. Introduction to Deque. ArrayDeque
Nested classes
1. Introduction to Nested Classes
2. Static Nested class
3. Inner class
4. Local Inner class
5. Anonymous class
Lambda expressions
1. Lambda expressions. Part 1
2. Lambda expressions. Part 2
3. Predicate
4. Supplier
5. Consumer
6. Function
1. Introduction to Streams. Map method (/lesson/694685?unit=694482)
2. filter method
3. forEach method (/lesson/694687?unit=694484)
4. reduce method
5. sorted method
6. Method chaining (/lesson/694690?unit=694487)
7. concat method
8. distinct method
9. count method
10. peak method
11. flatMap method
12. The collect method: grouping and partitioning
13. findFirst method
14. min and max methods
15. limit method
16. skip method
17. mapToInt method
18. Parallel Stream (/lesson/694702?unit=694499)
1. Introduction to Multithreading
2. Options for creating threads (/lesson/694704?unit=694501)
3. Thread name and Thread priority
4. Sleep and join methods. Thread states (/lesson/694706?unit=694503)
5. Concurrency and parallelism. Synchronous and asynchronous (/lesson/694707?unit=694504)
6. Keyword volatile
7. Data race. Synchronized methods
8. The concept of "monitor". Synchronized blocks
9. Wait and notify methods
10. Concepts of Deadlock, Livelock, Lock Starvation
11. Lock and ReentrantLock
12. Daemon streams
13. Interrupting Threads
14. ThreadPool and ExecutorService. Part 1
15. ThreadPool and ExecutorService. Part 2
16. Callable and Future interfaces. Part 1
17. Callable and Future interfaces. Part 2
18. Semaphore synchronizer (/lesson/694720?unit=694517)
19. CountDownLatch Synchronizer
20. Exchanger Synchronizer
21. AtomicInteger class
22. Synced Collections
23. ConcurrentHashMap
24. CopyOnWriteArrayList
25. ArrayBlockingQueue
Working with files: IO and NIO
1. Introduction to Streams. FileWriter (/lesson/694740?unit=694537)
2. FileReader (/lesson/694741?unit=694538)
3. Try with resources
4. BufferedWriter and BufferedReader
5. FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
6. DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
7. Serialization. Part 1
8. Serialization. Part 2
9. Class RandomAccessFile (/lesson/694748?unit=694545)
10. File class
11. Introduction to Channel and Buffer. Reading from a file
12. Channel and Buffer. Write to file
13. Channel and Buffer. Important Methods
14. Path interface and Files class. Part 1
15. Path interface and Files class. Part 2
16. Introduction to the walkFileTree method
17. walkFileTree method. Copying a directory
18. walkFileTree method. Removing a directory
Regular Expressions
1. RegEx. Part 1
2. RegEx. Part 2
3. RegEx. Part 3
4. String class methods: mathes and split
5. Example "IP Check"
6. replaceAll and group methods
7. The printf and format methods
Other important topics
1. Enum. Part 1
2. Enum. Part 2
3. Scanner class. Part 1
4. Scanner class. Part 2
5. Reflection. Part 1
6. Reflection. Part 2
7. Annotations