How to avoid reckless spending during the holiday season
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
1. Make a list of desires.
What would you like for a year, and that will come in handy as a useful and necessary thing, you can buy pre-New Year sale. But organizing thoughts you need a list. Lists can be in applications such as "Buy Baton"and WunderlistOr just on paper. After a while, once again, return to the listing and re-read it carefully: if there is something that can be deleted? Even picking up the presents to the children, carefully treat their wishes.
2. Count the family budget.
Do not buy something too expensive and pretentious, if you have enough money only for this product, yet. The most sensible approach: put off some amount of money on a monthly basis all year for holidays that the sum received by the end of the year "in reserve". Do not spend on gifts to more than 60% of the family budget. Holidays quickly pass, and needs, such as utility bills, food and other mandatory costs are not going anywhere. Our people still have a strange tradition to gain credits and installments for the New Year, but this I will say later.
3. Spend a line between "want", "I buy" and "I will use."
For example, you may want to console, but you play on it will be 2 times a month because of work to come back later. The child may want an iPhone, but parents pay enough only for a third of iPhone :) You can even take a loan and buy a home a pair of speakers and a cool guitar on pre-New Year sale - but not amuse themselves with the hope that, working 10-12 hours a day 6 days a week, you will have the time and inclination to her play. And so it can be driven and result in more and more examples. The point is simple: give and buy yourself and others only that, in addition to their fleeting desires or passions, really like and really be in demand if not daily, then at least 3-4 times a week.
4. Use aggregators prices.
In the eyes of discounts, price lists and promotional offers dazzled now. The closer to the New Year - the harder it is to understand. price aggregators (RuNet and foreign) will help you compare and choose the products that really cheaper, check reputation shops, compare the terms of delivery, and the warranty on the same model, or other gadget you have selected gift.
5. Carefully compare prices and read stock conditions in retail stores.
Offline-trade - another separate world, which is full of its "pitfalls". Sometimes, a careful reading of the fine print on the price tag, suddenly discover that it seemed a sensationally low price, in fact, 10% higher, because we must also pay VAT, and even higher - if you do not take credit for purchases. If you choose a thing in pre-New Year period, always ask the consultant detail about the conditions of discounts and promotions, the price is promotional purchases, guarantees, the possibility of return and exchange, warranty periods, and similar important details. Particular care must be treated to all these questions, if you buy a gift under the tree is not yourself or your child, and family, friends, colleagues - ie other adults. After all, if they are faced with unpleasant surprises such as breakage or repair, or the need to return a bad gift in a store, they should not do have any problems.
6. Avoid the "New Year's cheap" loans.
I have already mentioned the vogue for installments and loans under the Christmas tree. Do not start the year with a pack of financial liabilities and debt: it is not a superstition, but in a simple home accounting. After earning loans and payments, you thus start your family budget in the new year with a negative balance. Who will fill it to you if you have to start spending more than earned? In addition, as a rule, New Year's and installment loans rather stringent conditions and non-payment, and overdue payments, and early repayment. All the nuances of such contracts should carefully consider, even if you still decided to take a loan to purchase a New Year gift (because someone might apartment or a house "under the Christmas tree" purchase).
7. Buy only products in the shops cooperating with the service centers.
You gave parents a great new TV - but if it fails, the nearest authorized service center only in the neighboring town. Not very well turned out. At the same time you buy a TV with the same parameters, but from a different manufacturer, which SC have in your city, you could save on time, nerves, and forwarding calls to smash technology. In addition, online stores and retail outlets, which do not give the full official guarantees or agreements with CCs, rather all, to realize "gray" and "black" supplies of goods for which there can be no guarantee of the certificates and brands.
8. 10 useful things better 1 useless great gift.
And finally, I would like to remind you that if in the house long ago knocks refrigerator, and you for the equivalent money bought a game console newest model - it is not a very smart choice. Gamers in your family probably be happy with gifts; but when a month old refrigerator still burn, the console will have to sell and buy the refrigerator. Or take out a loan to buy a refrigerator, because the new PS 4 your products do not freeze. If your children do not have a comfortable winter shoes, but instead you bought them 2 sets of Bakugan, and a bunch of other games - then maybe you should tell your child that it is necessary to start by asking the Grandfather Frost of good warm shoes?
And remember the main thing: an expensive gift is not important, and attention to those whom you appreciate, love, respect of whom remember and care. Bright tags and famous brands that during sales trying to drown you in this idea - is transitory. But the choice of gift wisely, usefully and "highlight", which will be pleasing to the recipient - a small art if you want.