TOP Javascript courses from Stepik
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
JavaScript Basic level
The most comprehensive JavaScript course for beginner programmers! This course is ideal for programmers who want to learn the basics of the JavaScript programming language. During the course, you will learn the basic concepts of the language, including variables, data types, conditionals, loops, functions, and objects. The course also includes a large number of practical tasks that will help consolidate the acquired knowledge.
React + Next.js 13 - from scratch. TypeScript, Hooks, SSR and CSS Grid
Next.js is a production-ready framework for React, the most popular JavaScript library today. It allows you to develop high-performance, SEO-friendly websites using Server Side Rendering (SSR) and static page generation. At the same time, you only need basic knowledge of CSS, HTML and JavaScript, so in the course we will not only analyze Next.js, but also React from scratch. At the same time, we will write not just some kind of educational project, but a real production site dedicated to ratings.
Web application development using Node.js
The author's course will introduce students to the Node.js platform. It will be of interest to developers who have an understanding of JavaScript, but are just starting to get acquainted with the development of server applications in this language. Upon completion of the course, students will know how Node.js works and how applications work on this platform; will be able to apply the acquired skills to create the server part of simple web applications.